Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL
WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
- Edited
greek111 It's only the boot image that is compatible, not the system. A small difference in the system will usually mean the boot image is interchangeable, but the system itself needs to be exactly the same to be interchangeable. Because you replaced the system on your phone, you need to get the original from another phone or from someone who has it.
I'm getting this message when I want to activate voice
I m trying to click on this when I reach option 9 the app closes I don't see the option to enable voice access
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
beginer You could download the Accessibility app from the website and enable it there.
FliphoneBochur I have the kosher rom it is installed it just closes
FliphoneBochur didn't get what your trying to say
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
beginer I have no idea. Maybe [Login to see the link], [Login to see the link] , or someone else has an answer.
BBusinessy21Level 3 - Gold Member
Talk&Text-With Apps Op 2: Removes: Browser. Includes: Waze, Weather, Siddur, and Hotspot.
is there a way to keep video and take off hotspot and email?
Hhk675Level 1 - Junior Member
how do I change to Hebrew keyboard and back ?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
hk675 I think by holding #
If I want to be able to install apps without any restrictions on the browser or anything else, is my only option to follow the instructions on [Login to see the link] ?
This is my first time attempting something like this and it looks above my pay grade.
when i run autobooter the application open for a sec then shuts down
get an error that a security is preventing this driver from loading
driver usb2ser.sys
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
flip101 where did you get this error. Run autobooter from cmd. just open cmd in that folder and type: autobooter
and press enter and send us the output.
I can take a guess, the issue might be with your antivirus.
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
joe1234 after pasting fastboot reboot fastboot it says waiting for device and then I cant paste anything else. when I open a 2nd terminal and paste fastboot flash super super.bin it says waiting for device and nothing happens.
I am having the same issue now and its driving me nuts. I tried a few different good cables, and the newest adb/fastboot version. Any ideas left?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Flippy use this older method