Cseal89 You can use a mac.
Just get fastboot on your mac, and make sure you have python. Then, to boot to fastboot, you can use [Login to see the link]. But it's harder to use because you must manually declare a port number. Example:
python mtk-bootseq.py FASTBOOT COM4
But because MAC is based off linux, the ports wont be COMPorts, it will probably be something like this: /dev/tty.usbmodem14200. But I have no clue because I never used Mac. Anything I know about linux is from using android.
And [Login to see the link] made a version of the python script that checks the ports automatically and boots to fastboot, but I think it only works on windows. (link: [Login to see the link])
I can't say for sure, but I think Mac's might come preinstalled with MTK Drivers or at least enough drivers to access the preloader, so I don't think you'll need to worry