it should just show like its uninstalled but its still redownloadble if you enter the unhide command

    THE_SOMEONE maybe this will help:

    Jumptoheaven To temporarily disable an app.

    adb shell pm disable-user --user 0

    To enable run,

    pm enable

      THE_SOMEONE I have tried using it in the past, but, whenever I've tried it on a flip phone, it gives an error message saying something like "Neither User 2000 nor current process has Android permission [permission name]".
      I once had a situation where it would have been the perfect solution (I think), but, alas, it didn't work.

      Biden2020prez For my situation, that command didn't work the way that the hide command would have.

      THE_SOMEONE I think the issue is I don't really understand your goal. If you can give more details, like your exact situation, phone model. If youd rather not say, maybe try making up an identical situation.

        3 months later

        Biden2020prez Sorry to come back late. i tried this command already and it doesnt work it says:

        Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: attempt to change component state from pid=17119, uid=2000, package uid=10015

        I tried this command on LG Classic It worked But on Vn220 it doesnt...
        (im trying to do it for the Email) And no i didn't make a mistake in the process im a ADB expert since Feb 2021

          THE_SOMEONE Try

          adb shell pm suspend

          disable doesn't work on a exalt

          20 days later

          Biden2020prez is there any way to disable or suspend or hide a system app, for example office suite on the kyocera e4810. I get an error when trying these cmds on adb

          uninstall gives me Failure [DELETE_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR]

          hide gives me Security exception: Neither user 2000 nor current process has android.permission.MANAGE_USERS.

          disable gives me Security exception: Shell cannot change component state for to 2

          suspend gives me Security exception: setPackagesSuspendedAsUser: Neither user 2000 nor current process has android.permission.SUSPEND_APPS.

            • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member

              • Edited

              Read the 4th post [Login to see the link].
              Android doesn't support the hide app function on ADB with newer devices.

              To uninstall a package, try:
              On cmd adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 <package_name> where <package_name> is the what you want to uninstall; insert -k after uninstall to save that app's data.
              Or on Powershell ./adb shell pm uninstall --user 0 <package_name> .

              To disable type adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 <package_name>.
              To enable type adb shell pm enable <package_name>.

              To suspend type in adb shell pm suspend <package_name>.
              To unsuspend type in adb shell pm unsuspend <package_name>.