LG Classic Flip
Nnaftali89Level 2 - Senior Member
is there anyone that has switchboard on the LG Classic? and if yes how did you make it work?
- Edited
naftali89 קודם דארפסטו אויסוועלן א קנעפל וואס די גייסט ניצן פאר דעם, די קענסט אויסוועלן צוויי קנעפלעך איינס פאר select און איינס פאר גיין next, אדער קענסטו אויסוועלן נאר איינס פאר select און עס וועט זיך אליינס ריקן פון איינס צום צווייטן,
נאך דעם דריקסטו ,done און דריק נישט .next
and after that enabled it via adb or setedit
someone who can translate this into English (NOT WITH GOOGLE) is very welcome
KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member
How can I get picture text on this phone?
MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
ksav Good question, I have activated a Walmart Family Mobile phone ( which supposedly works with T-Mobile) to work on TracFone's service using a Verizon network.
At first I couldn't get it to work, then after speaking to multiple agents they managed to get the device to work, but I could not receive Picture message, only can send.
I think it had do with the device, but never had a chance to play around with other lg classic flips and see where it works and if it does work.
Question here is what service you using? and what device? Where is your phone from?
Apps4Flip-AdminLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
This is a known issue with tracfone and Net10, if you do not mind switching, Total Wireless has been shown in the past to work fine with MMS.
Nnaftali89Level 2 - Senior Member
Apps4Flip-Admin it does not really make sense that total wireless should be any better, except if you know for sure, but just because you know a few people that have total wireless and dont have the issue doesnt mean anything i happen to know a lot of people that have net 10 and dont have the issue, and dont forget that total wireless is 4 dollars more each month.
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
ksav I would say to check the APN settings (I'm not even sure where you would find it on the classic, as I dont have one) but im assuming you went through that already. Also if its a known problem, I dont know if that will be the solution, because its the first place to check for such problems.
KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member
Apps4Flip-Admin Not an option for me to switch, is there another helpful option?
CchaimontherunLevel 3 - Gold Member
rand01201 No. Dial the code for developer options and there should be an option to uninstall.
Flipper26Level 1 - Junior Member
Tip To take a Screenshot press power button and volume down simultaneously
anyone knows how to have an app displayed on the icon menu? meaning in place of one of the removed ones.
does anybody know how to add a email account to the phone even after the browser is uninstalled thru adb
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
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