LG Classic Flip
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Is there any way to backup SMS from an LG Classic that is filtered by tag?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Atusb Not as far as I'm aware.
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
FliphoneBochur ok thanks
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
FliphoneBochur what about moving t9 dictionary from filtered phone, is that possible?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Atusb By definition, if you're phone is filtered, it's locked down. You can't access adb. You can't install apps. You can only do it through whatever is on your phone, so you could only back stuff up if they're on the file explorer. You could email me at [Login to see the link], and I might be able to help you.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez i dont know where u live, but here they wont
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Atusb HAHA. Yeah. In South Florida I walked in as a bachur, and they didnt ask questions. But i only removed it to get the software update AT TAG, and put it right back on.
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Biden2020prez yes that they do here also. in monsey theyre not so strict but they wont let u walk out with it........
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Atusb Well, once they hand you the phone, what stops you from leaving HAHAHAHA? Just Kidding . Not sure what advice to give you...
ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
I heard there is a way to install Waze even if the phone is filtered (on the LG only), does anyone here know how?
AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
Reifam dunno try email me maybe i can help [Login to see the link]
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
whynot 15? on what planet hahaha? I paid 35 (possibly 25)
WwhynotLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Biden2020prez I called them recently and I think they said 15, maybe I’m remembering wrong