• Apps
  • LG Classic Flip - ListLauncher to list ALL Android apps.

  • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

    Its not simple (maybe impossible) to sign the classic system apps but if you have 4a package manager you can uninstall the settings and it will revert back to the original settings

      techy I access it using the Apps4Flip launcher.
      But with ListLauncher, you can't open the Notification Center easily.

      mg5077 You don't need to fake sign the original! Just uninstall updates normally, like you would on Android. Find "Settings" and open the 3 dot menu and uninstall updates.

        mg5077 In Settings > Apps and Notifications > "Settings"
        There is a 3 dot menu in the top-right corner. You MIGHT need to do my DPI mod first.
        And the Classic Flip's system apps work fine with my fix applied.

          mg5077 Good, no... GREAT to know!
          My DPI fix really makes things feel more at home, and also makes things fit more like a small smartphone!

          L-B Yeah, we can't fakesign original but we can just uninstall the Rebel 4's Settings APK using the method I just posted.

          a month later

          so can we just install any apk now?

          • Myi replied to this.

            ij08 After it's modified a bit then yes.

            how do i modify it

            i can uncompress the apk but what do i do from there

            4 months later

            thats my old account boom i goooooooooot it but now my app is chrasing (Verzion Messages+)

            nvm Lg Home Works because it is signed bye LGE

            • L-B replied to this.
              9 months later

              I just use button mapper to open settings