• WebADB
  • U102AA Cingular Flip IV & U102AC Cricket Debut Flip - Bootloader UNLOCK!

I finally found a method to unlock the secure boot on these TINNO flip phones.
I used the BKerler EDL tool available in the ReLiveDVD.

First thing I did: TAKE A BACKUP OF THE WHOLE NAND! (edl rl -whateveryouwantfolder-)

Second thing I did: flash this firmware ([Login to see the link]) which is a debugging firmware. It has ADB and fastboot access.
Command: (/opt/edl/edl qfil rawprogram_unsparse.xml patch0.xml ./) - I was reading the files off of a folder within my Windows 10 partition.

Third thing I did, was enable OEM unlock using the same tool (./edl modules oemunlock enable)

After that, I powered the phone up into recovery (hold Vol Up, and boot into the Bootloader.)
Then I ran "fastboot oem unlock-go" which unlocked the boot loader.

From there, I could then boot into OS and manipulate the system partition using adb as root (adb root && adb shell)
I was able to replace the Google Apps with some homebrew (I kept the browser, I don't go full kosher, my needs are different.)

Anyone wanna try and report back? I was even able to enable Mobile Hotspot and USB tethering by modifying the JSON files in system/b2g.

    xxdeafgirl welcome back! Love all you did until now! I though you disappeared...
    unfortunately, i don't have the phone, but wow, nice job!

    What phones do you use there days? Still have an lg classic lol?
    (if you need a new android flip phone to toy with you could check out what we are doing with the tcl flip 2. )

    I'm still rocking my LG Classic! I'm as broke as before but I'm interested in the TCL flip!
    Maybe I could get TCL smartphone stuff running if someone would send me one...

      xxdeafgirl i tried settings from tcl smartphone but they use different signatures. Maybe now with root it will work...

      Why don't you post this alcatel root in bananahacker group?

        xxdeafgirl you know of any good t9 keyboard we can use instead of the existing one that cant add words and is missing some words?

          Biden2020prez I don't use any T9 dictionary. I manually type everything because I use Japanese and Indonesian words that aren't in the T9.

          Biden2020prez Also, it's not real root. It's only a root shell, and it's really only useful for replacing apps with homebrew or for kashering the device.

            Biden2020prez Well if you have the Qualcomm fire-hose, sure.
            I'd assume this is standard KaiOS stuff, but getting a Debug firmware like I have is probably going to be hard.

              xxdeafgirl I'm confused... anytime i run ./edl with a command it detects the device but stops there.

              "Qualcomm Sahara / Firehose Client V3.60 (c) B.Kerler 2018-2022.
              main - Trying with no loader given ...
              main - Waiting for the device
              main - Device detected 🙂
              main - Mode detected: sahara"

              then it just sits there indefinitely
              device is cricket debut flip btw

                4 months later

                chriskinda update 3 months later... I was determined to make it work & it turns out I just made a simple mistake. I opened a terminal in the EDL folder without -actually- following the installation instructions LOL. I got it working now - thank you so much!!

                Edit: Only issue is SIM card doesn't work on developer firmware :/

                Edit2: SIM card is working on the u102AA for whatever reason