• WebADB
  • Taking off browser with webadb on a kyocera duraxv

Flippy At least it's nice to see you got back up from -215
I guess there's more than one bored person 😉

princeofthecS Thats what happens on Kyocera its just how it is. some filters are also like that but some are with the grey app icon

    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

      THE_SOMEONE Incorrect. It depends on which command you use. On the kyocera, you can use the disable command I posted above to gray out the icon.

      I did the disable command and it just showed up in button mapper as disabled and I was able to enable it so it doesn't help is there anything to disable it and take it off the phone so it doesn't show up in button mapper or battery notifier or developer options?

        6 days later

        Biden2020prez I tried it and it says it doesn't recognize suspend is there anything else to do?

        adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.browser

          12345 this command will take off browser and make it fade out???

          it will take it off but won't make it fade out
          this command adb shell pm disable-user com.android.browser to fade it out on a kyocera

          but it wont take it off it will come up in button mapper and you will be able to enable it
          I'm trying to take it off and make it fade out, but thanks anyways

            princeofthecS that's not possible because button mapper does what adb disable command does the only way to remove it is uninstall it via the adb command of uninstall

            so how do uninstall it and make it fade out?

            3 months later

            I tried uninstalling the browser on a kyocera dura xv but I got a reply
            /system/bin/sh: adb: not found
            can any one help thanks
            I used command adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.browser

              buchur On WebADB, run any commands listed without adb shell, so your command should be pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.android.browser

                and also does anyone know how to block the hard reset at least from the settings