• Flip Phones
  • Comprehensive list of the different Alcatel TCL Models and their differences.

  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    Seems a lot of people have some confusion with this, and rightfully so, the naming scheme is downright contorted. I will try to put together whatever information I can, if someone can help, that would be great.

      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        • Edited

        Flippy List of TCL Flip models running Android AOSP:

        1. TCL Classic 4058C, Sold on [Login to see the link]
        2. TCL Classic (4058C), From [Login to see the link]
        3. TCL Classic (4058R), From AT&T
        4. TCL Flip Go (4058L), From [Login to see the link]
        5. TCL Flip Go (4058W), From [Login to see the link]
        6. TCL Flip (4058E), [Login to see the link]
        7. Alcatel TCL Flip 2 (t408dl), From [Login to see the link]
        8. Alcatel TCL Flip 2 (t408dg), From [Login to see the link]

        Hardware differences:

        • As far as I know there are 3 colors: Black/Grey (Most models), and Blue (4058W).
        • Some Models have the Emergency dial button on the outside (t408dl, 4058E?) and some don't (4058L, 4058C?, 4058R?)

        Software differences:

        • Installed apps: some include weather, some have carrier specific apps.
        • Partition layout see chart:
          4058E/L                     4058W                       T408DL        
          preloader_a   mmcblk0boot0  preloader_a   mmcblk0boot0  preloader_a mmcblk0boot0
          preloader_b   mmcblk0boot1  preloader_b   mmcblk0boot1  preloader_b mmcblk0boot1
          proinfo       mmcblk0p1     proinfo       mmcblk0p1     proinfo     mmcblk0p1
          nvram         mmcblk0p2     nvram         mmcblk0p2     nvram       mmcblk0p2
          swversion     mmcblk0p3     swversion     mmcblk0p3     loader_ext1 mmcblk0p3
          persist       mmcblk0p4     persist       mmcblk0p4     loader_ext2 mmcblk0p4
          oembin        mmcblk0p5     oembin        mmcblk0p5     swversion   mmcblk0p5
          oempersist    mmcblk0p6     oempersist    mmcblk0p6     persist     mmcblk0p6
          otapkg        mmcblk0p7     otapkg        mmcblk0p7     oembin      mmcblk0p7
          boot_para     mmcblk0p8     boot_para     mmcblk0p8     oempersist  mmcblk0p8
          recovery      mmcblk0p9     recovery      mmcblk0p9     otapkg      mmcblk0p9
          para          mmcblk0p10    para          mmcblk0p10    boot_para   mmcblk0p10
          expdb         mmcblk0p11    expdb         mmcblk0p11    recovery    mmcblk0p11
          frp           mmcblk0p12    frp           mmcblk0p12    para        mmcblk0p12
          nvcfg         mmcblk0p13    nvcfg         mmcblk0p13    expdb       mmcblk0p13
          nvdata        mmcblk0p14    nvdata        mmcblk0p14    frp         mmcblk0p14
          metadata      mmcblk0p15    metadata      mmcblk0p15    nvcfg       mmcblk0p15
          protect1      mmcblk0p16    protect1      mmcblk0p16    nvdata      mmcblk0p16
          protect2      mmcblk0p17    protect2      mmcblk0p17    metadata    mmcblk0p17
          md_udc        mmcblk0p18    simlock       mmcblk0p18    protect1    mmcblk0p18
          seccfg        mmcblk0p19    md_udc        mmcblk0p19    protect2    mmcblk0p19
          sec1          mmcblk0p20    seccfg        mmcblk0p20    md_udc      mmcblk0p20
          efuse         mmcblk0p21    sec1          mmcblk0p21    seccfg      mmcblk0p21
          md1img        mmcblk0p22    efuse         mmcblk0p22    sec1        mmcblk0p22
          md1dsp        mmcblk0p23    md1img        mmcblk0p23    efuse       mmcblk0p23
          spmfw         mmcblk0p24    md1dsp        mmcblk0p24    md1img      mmcblk0p24
          mcupmfw       mmcblk0p25    spmfw         mmcblk0p25    md1dsp      mmcblk0p25
          gz1           mmcblk0p26    mcupmfw       mmcblk0p26    spmfw       mmcblk0p26
          gz2           mmcblk0p27    gz1           mmcblk0p27    mcupmfw     mmcblk0p27
          lk            mmcblk0p28    gz2           mmcblk0p28    gz1         mmcblk0p28
          lk2           mmcblk0p29    lk            mmcblk0p29    gz2         mmcblk0p29
          loader_ext1   mmcblk0p30    lk2           mmcblk0p30    lk          mmcblk0p30
          loader_ext2   mmcblk0p31    loader_ext1   mmcblk0p31    lk2         mmcblk0p31
          boot          mmcblk0p32    loader_ext2   mmcblk0p32    boot        mmcblk0p32
          vendor_boot   mmcblk0p33    boot          mmcblk0p33    vendor_boot mmcblk0p33
          logo          mmcblk0p34    vendor_boot   mmcblk0p34    logo        mmcblk0p34
          dtbo          mmcblk0p35    logo          mmcblk0p35    dtbo        mmcblk0p35
          vbmeta        mmcblk0p36    dtbo          mmcblk0p36    vbmeta      mmcblk0p36
          vbmeta_system mmcblk0p37    vbmeta        mmcblk0p37    vbmeta_system   mmcblk0p37
          vbmeta_vendor mmcblk0p38    vbmeta_system mmcblk0p38    vbmeta_vendor   mmcblk0p38
          tee1          mmcblk0p39    vbmeta_vendor mmcblk0p39    tee1        mmcblk0p39
          tee2          mmcblk0p40    tee1          mmcblk0p40    tee2        mmcblk0p40
          super         mmcblk0p41    tee2          mmcblk0p41    super       mmcblk0p41
          cache         mmcblk0p42    super         mmcblk0p42    cache       mmcblk0p42
          userdata      mmcblk0p43    cache         mmcblk0p43    userdata    mmcblk0p43
          otp           mmcblk0p44    userdata      mmcblk0p44    otp         mmcblk0p44
          flashinfo     mmcblk0p45    otp           mmcblk0p45    flashinfo   mmcblk0p45
                                      flashinfo     mmcblk0p46            
          Band differences:
        • There is one band which is on some of the phones and not on others.
          • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            • Edited

            darth Well I was going to get it from all your posts since you seem to be the expert in this, but you did a fantastic job here. Thanks. May actually save you time not needing to answer so many questions 😉

              • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                Flippy Its now your job to find and list all the KaiOS TCL's 😉. Is there any other specific info you think I should post?
                Any info that I put up with a ? means that it seems that way to me but I havent confirmed it.

                  darth Also:
                  Alcatel Go Flip V (4051S), From [Login to see the link]

                  Now after looking back at your post, I see you were listing the TCL models, not the Alcatel ones. I do agree with Flippy that

                  the naming scheme is downright contorted

                    • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                      darth KaiOS hopefully shouldn't be of too much interest here, when you can get a perfectly, not as terrible OS on the ones you listed. (and actually filter it now, thanks) Maybe you can add which is the ones that are compatible with your filter.

                      3 months later

                      darth Do neutron.img and your roms work on models other than the t408dl?

                        • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                          • Edited

                          darth So the custom ROMs will ONLY work with the Tracfone model?

                            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                              FliphoneBochur lgexalter1 I dont fully understood what happens. I put my Rom on the 4058L and it would not work with a TracFone SIM but worked fine with a TripleTel SIM in Israel.

                              So it does work to some degree on the other models but you may have service issues depending on your carrier and device.