I Don’t know how long it will last

    whynot thanks just bought one

    Currently, we don't carry this product you are looking for. Here are a few recommendations.

    this is the message I see when trying to buy one, do you see anything different.

    There is insufficient inventory to purchase the requested product.

      a-one Alert
      There is insufficient inventory to purchase the requested product.

      This is what I'm getting when trying to purchase this product

      a month later
      5 days later

      after all you can get it for $35 that's great!

      12 days later

      is there any way to get it without making a plan???



        lgexalter1 I used one plan to unlock one phone and called tracfone to transfer it to another phone and it worked for both (though I did unlock the first before I transferred the plan)

        I'm using my new lg classic with slectel wireless and my mms doesn't work any one has a way to fix it?