• How to remove the livigent Filter officially (not bypass it!!) ?

  • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

    I have a few Lg Exalt phones, which I'm trying to install apps.
    I have many who asked me to install apps for them, but I have never played around with the livigent Filter, but I have tried to connect to the computer, the filter blocks the device from being recognized on a computer.
    What's the best way to go about removing that filter? Or is it even possible to remove from the Exalts that tag put on?

    • Yms replied to this.
      • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

        Yms Thanks will do.

        Any results from TAG?

        a month later

        ij08 Might charge $20

        Speak to TAG or KosherCell, they will remove it for you.

        • Myi likes this.
        Apps4Flip-Admin changed the title to How to remove the livigent Filter officially (not bypass it!!) ? .