• Apps
  • In Search Of: Notepad application on Sonim XP3+ or Sonim XP5plus

I have the XP3 which doesn't have a Notepad app. Can someone with an XP3+ or XP5plus extract their Notepad app and post please...

    Thank you but I think it's too new (Android 11):
    $ adb install note.apk
    Performing Streamed Install
    adb: failed to install note.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Failed parse during installPackageLI: /data/app/vmdl1434390760.tmp/base.apk (at Binary XML file line #23): Requires newer sdk version #30 (current version is #27)]

      knopper I use Color note, works very well and backs up to the cloud, some of it may need a mouse/voice access, but mostly usable with dpad

        2 months later

        I tried already pulling from xp3+ and installing on xp3
        issue is that u need the three buttons like the plus version to add notes or doing anything else
        so it doesn't really work