Atusb (darth ) mr-mayor Here are the permission commands: adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand adb shell appops set SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1 adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services adb shell am startservice and here is the commands to enable the mouse/voice access/ button mapper to work together: adb shell settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services adb shell settings put secure accessibility_enabled 1
Lev26 Momo Using adb or webadb. See instructions [Login to see the link]. Note: on adb you need to start with ./ . For example: ./adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.lge.voicecommand
darren051 YEG probably not Ive been searching for solitiona other than a bluetooth mouse since last September.
turbo345 Can someone please tell me how to allow permission on LG phone it's saying "no permission handler found" please help?
liunian @ BoruchAdler My mobile phone is sonim xp5800,When I use mouse modeļ¼Cannot click the content you want to !Options for content to stay in keyboard mode
liunian Techgen This version has also been tested and cannot be used normally. In addition, Happy New Year.
hebersph darth I tried installing the mouse with those commands for my kyocera e4810 but I got this error message... Error: Requires permission android.permission.BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE Anyone know what the issue is and how I can fix it? Thanks!!