FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
Biden2020prez They're actually currently missing
Biden2020prez They're actually currently missing
FliphoneBochur They are actually currently there, but let me see if there is another host that will work better
Biden2020prez I just made a screenshot in archive.org and it seems to be missing. Not sure what's up with that. one minute.
Is it fixed now?
Biden2020prez I see it now.
Flippy Okay, thanks yteps FliphoneBochur Flippy for your help
Hi everyone. I am taking a quick survey on people's preferences for this app. This is only a few questions and I may or may not take more surveys in the future. I would appreciate if people can answer it just to give me an idea of what people are looking for. Thanks!
You can answer it on Google Forms [Login to see the link]
does this work on the exalt
trying to install on classic but i keep getting this message
Performing Push Install
adb: error: failed to get feature set: more than one device/emulator
PS C:\platform-tools>
samtee That happens when you have more than one phone connected to the computer, or if you also have an emulator running. If you can't disconnect the other device, Run adb devices to see what's connected, you then can run adb -s and then the serial number that corresponds to your phone before the command, for example adb -s abcdef install yourpackage.apk
(or if the other device is an emulator you can do -d)
If it's recognizing more than one device when it shouldn't, you can try adb kill-server, and restarting adb
Biden2020prez works gr8 but it still has some bugs to work out
samtee The main bug I am working on is the keys on the home screen (dpad right, left, up, down)
Any other bugs I should focus on?
Nice work!!
This is based on my modified version right?
yeti Oh yeah it is. Let me add you in the credits
Thanks so much (good to see you!!!)
yeti Welcome back! [Login to see the link] and I have actually found a way to unbrick some bricked eTalks. I plan on writing a guide on that in the thread later. Thank you for all your work!
Hi y'all it's good to be back :')
I got some quite polished stuff targeting Kyocera and Schok devices i'm almost ready to drop on you lot.
(Also something secret for the TCL Flip as well )
Also really excited to hear about that eTalk unbrick! Great work guys!!
yeti Okay, good to see you! You are making me really excited!
does this work on the exalt
samtee I thought you tried it already...
I made it for LG Classic and that's basically the only device I'm doing this for (at least for now), but it may work on other phones.