Techgen thank worked btw does this work on the exalt

samtee The main bug I am working on is the keys on the home screen (dpad right, left, up, down)

Any other bugs I should focus on?

yeti Oh yeah it is. Let me add you in the credits😁

Thanks so much (good to see you!!!)

    yeti Welcome back! [Login to see the link] and I have actually found a way to unbrick some bricked eTalks. I plan on writing a guide on that in the thread later. Thank you for all your work!

      Biden2020prez FliphoneBochur

      Hi y'all it's good to be back :')

      I got some quite polished stuff targeting Kyocera and Schok devices i'm almost ready to drop on you lot.
      (Also something secret for the TCL Flip as well 🤫)

      Also really excited to hear about that eTalk unbrick! Great work guys!!

        yeti Okay, good to see you! You are making me really excited!

        samtee I thought you tried it already...

        I made it for LG Classic and that's basically the only device I'm doing this for (at least for now), but it may work on other phones.

          Biden2020prez so i got a fix for one of the bugs basically you disable FP Home
          pm disable-user --user 0 com.lge.fphome
          then cool home becomes the default home you wont have the problem that when you press end both home launchers come up
          to put it back to normal you just run pm enable com.lge.fphome and you have back the original
          FP home

          note: if someone wants to switch back to the default FP home you should prob re-enable the first one before uninstalling cool home.

            Then all we have to do is set something for all D-PAD keys and we should be good to go
            2 more ideas I had is first we should hide the app from the launcher and also you should make another version for people that have the rebel settings on the classic that the settings on the main menu should open to that app
            Thanks for all your hard work after I disabled my FP Home it works great

              samtee Does the method in the top post not work on exalt?

              samtee Then all we have to do is set something for all D-PAD keys and we should be good to go

              I am working on D-Pad shortcuts.

              samtee 2 more ideas I had is first we should hide the app from the launcher

              smart, I'll do it in the next update

              samtee you should make another version for people that have the rebel settings on the classic that the settings on the main menu should open to that app

              It would be hard to update and maintain so many versions. The best is if someone very technical wants to do it and post it for everyone. Anyone who thinks he is capable but needs a bit of help can email me ([Login to see the link]).

                FliphoneBochur I know, but he was using Exalt and posted a different method of setting the default launcher so I think maybe the way I posted doesn't work on that android version.

                  samtee So why did you not just use the command in the original post to make the launcher default?

                    Biden2020prez Well because it doesn't actually disable FP Home so whenever I clicked the end button it always popped up an option to either use FP Home or coolhome which was very annoying till I disabled FP Home