Version 1.20:
- Added Dpad Shortcuts
- Removed CoolHome from showing in App Launchers
- Added a (very basic) Built-In app launcher
- Changed Dpad Shortcuts to LG Pakcage and class names
Contributions are welcomed!
Installation and Usage:
(Re)install this app using -g -r in ADB (I also added -r which will be useful for future updates):
adb install -g -r CoolHome-v1.20.apk
To set it as the default Home App (you will need to do after each update), run:
adb shell cmd package set-home-activity
- Now, the apps section was replaced with the new built in launcher.
- Access Dpad Hotkey Settings from the home screen by pressing clr button (this will likely change in the future)
- [Login to see the link] updated
- More screenshots added to original post showcasing new features
[Login to see the link]