Then all we have to do is set something for all D-PAD keys and we should be good to go
2 more ideas I had is first we should hide the app from the launcher and also you should make another version for people that have the rebel settings on the classic that the settings on the main menu should open to that app
Thanks for all your hard work after I disabled my FP Home it works great

    samtee Does the method in the top post not work on exalt?

    samtee Then all we have to do is set something for all D-PAD keys and we should be good to go

    I am working on D-Pad shortcuts.

    samtee 2 more ideas I had is first we should hide the app from the launcher

    smart, I'll do it in the next update

    samtee you should make another version for people that have the rebel settings on the classic that the settings on the main menu should open to that app

    It would be hard to update and maintain so many versions. The best is if someone very technical wants to do it and post it for everyone. Anyone who thinks he is capable but needs a bit of help can email me ([Login to see the link]).

      FliphoneBochur I know, but he was using Exalt and posted a different method of setting the default launcher so I think maybe the way I posted doesn't work on that android version.

        samtee So why did you not just use the command in the original post to make the launcher default?

          Biden2020prez Well because it doesn't actually disable FP Home so whenever I clicked the end button it always popped up an option to either use FP Home or coolhome which was very annoying till I disabled FP Home

            samtee The whole point is it's not supposed to disable FPHome (which is more dangerous in case someone decides to to uninstall coolhome). but when I ran adb shell cmd package set-home-activity then it didn't ask me to choose a home app each time. Are you sure you tried it?

              Version 1.20:

              • Added Dpad Shortcuts
              • Removed CoolHome from showing in App Launchers
              • Added a (very basic) Built-In app launcher
              • Changed Dpad Shortcuts to LG Pakcage and class names


              Contributions are welcomed!

              Installation and Usage:

              (Re)install this app using -g -r in ADB (I also added -r which will be useful for future updates):

              adb install -g -r CoolHome-v1.20.apk

              To set it as the default Home App (you will need to do after each update), run:

              adb shell cmd package set-home-activity


              • Now, the apps section was replaced with the new built in launcher.
              • Access Dpad Hotkey Settings from the home screen by pressing clr button (this will likely change in the future)
              • [Login to see the link] updated
              • More screenshots added to original post showcasing new features


              [Login to see the link]

                Biden2020prez Yup that's what I tried at first but every time I pushed the END button it always came up the option to switch between the two home apps

                Biden2020prez ok i just tried it again and your right at least on the pervious version that it sets it to default home but only until i tried pressing one of the d-pad buttons and then it crashed and i had that problem so hopefully your new on works better

                  samtee Oh Okay I understand. In the future I plan to explore the possibility of an option in the app to choose default home. But I need to first check if there is a way to do that progrommatically that's supported on the LG Classic Flip.

                    Biden2020prez still a couple bugs to work out
                    1: I'm not sure if its a hiccup but the voicemail and email notification don't show up on the main screen
                    2: the # key that you usually hold down to put your phone on vibrate doesn't work
                    but other then that it works great (not so important) it would be nice if the apps could show up nicer on the phone like the TAG app launcher


                      1. Not sure if I will ever figure out how to do the email and voicemail Notifications
                      2. Let me see if I can get the # button working (i dont even think I knew about it)
                      3. Maybe. It's very hard to get a good design when reverse engineering someone else's app, because it's super hard to fix stuff like content views in Layout XML. So currently the App Launcher is written only in JAVA and all the layouts are dynamically created, making it hard to put complex logic. But I am still trying to get a good gridview, or maybe I'll try porting LionScribes launcher to this app (but it would be hard).
                      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                        Biden2020prez adb install -g -r CoolHome-v1.10.apk

                        You have to change it to 1.20.apk.
                        Thanks cool home is cool.. Just having an issue like mentioned that the end button keeps bringing up the app switcher. Is there a fix for that coming?

                          Flippy A fix already came! Run:

                          adb shell cmd package set-home-activity

                          You are on LG and it's not working?

                          (thanks, I edited my post)