• the GenTech fiter

techy On the apps4flip website we tell everyone to go to filterlg.com . The mirror was put up on the forums as a favor to people who wanted it while gentech took it down. Anyone that is coming to the forums will also read the rest of the thread and realize that they should go to the main site and not download the mirror as it has problems. We will take it down when we get a chance.

3 months later

The new version of the gentech filter doesn’t block text
all options work but text doesn’t get blocked

    GOLDFISH if the phone doesn’t have the new software version it could get reset with gentech filter when pressing the volume down and end key together when statrting phone because the new software update doesn’t have the option from reset phone when pressing volume down and end together when starting so I reset it but the text doesn’t get blocked with there filter

      mg5077 I know but the point is that it’s not the best filter

        mg5077 because it doesn’t uninstall messaging when desable option in app

        a month later

        Businessy21 Correct. I put on the filter on one of my phones and was amazed on how easy it was!

        • Myi replied to this.

          Myi Yes the GenTech filter. I don't think you can have apps.
          If you want it removed you'd probaly have to go to TAG.

          Is it possible to modify the Gentech Filter APK to allow 3rd party apps from unknown sources?

            23 days later
            • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

              Anyone had success putting the filterlg.com and having waze?

              4 days later

              SolF You went into TAG and they told you that? They used to put it on the filter so I'd assume that that they can take it off...