• Filtering KaiOs

used it too to download wallace tools version 6 unfortunately didnt work on the att cingular flip 4 there seemed to be a different problem with every method, what exactly was the issue with webide by you? i followed the instructions on the website and it worked for me

    Random First I get this error
    And when I press Remote Runtime I get an error: 'Operation failed: Connecting to Remote Runtime'
    And nothing happens when I press 'Install ADB Helper'.

    • BeBraveLevel 1 - Junior Member

      • Edited

      Random Do you remember which version of Firefox you used?

        i think it was version 57, remote runtime only connected for me with debugging on obviously and the command ./adb devices and the next command that bananahackers tells you to use adb..6000...something that was always needed for it to work

          Random Did you need this ADB Helper Add-on for it to work?

            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              BeBrave Do you remember which version of Firefox you used?

              I used the palemoon version it says to use. I did get that error sometimes. Make sure USB debugging is enabled (##33284##) and you forwarded to the right socket (dont recall which one). It should work than but only if its a device that is compatible. Check bananahackers to make sure your exact model works.

              BeBrave dont think i needed it, did you do adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/local/debugger-socket like on the website?

                now im trying the att alcatel smartflip and remote runtime isnt working bananahackers calls it a locked phone which adb but not debug works even though i got the bug icon with ##debug## , unfortunately i dont really have the time to spend on it now hope it works for others

                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    Random They call it a locked phone for a reason. I tried it on the alcatel smartflip and it didnt work but I got it to work on the go flip. I got it to work on one other phone but I think when bananhackers calls something locked there is not much to do with it

                      8 days later
                      • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                        Nokia 6300 4g
                        Anyone succesfull With that device removing preinstalled apps?

                        Lots of work involved to root and prepare you phone to run any commands.
                        If i know its possible and someone did it in the past them i would try on my own.
                        Dont care to go to tag for these dvices. Butt want the hotspot open while locking everything else.

                          Random darth Oh, so I was actually trying it on an Alcatel Cingular Flip (Model U102AA - KaiOS 2.5.3), so I guess it's a locked phone, and there's nothing to do with it. Is that corecet?

                            Was anyone able to sucessfully remove the browser from the alcatel 4044w?


                            4 days later

                            Myi theres a good chance that it will work but havent tried it , just a tip, it might not be necessary at all to root there is an application to install on the phone that gives the uninstall option its a certain version of wallace toolbox

                            BeBrave i have tried the at&t cingular flip 4 although i was able to install apps unfortunately after i would root it would stop connecting to adb and wallace toolbox wouldnt work either maybe itll work for you but didnt seem to work for me

                            10 months later

                            c_zidele Nope.Gave up on that model.
                            Too much work involved.

                            3 months later

                            anyone ever filtered alcatel smartflip?

                            7 months later

                            I think if its a sprd model you can install omnibb and after running it you could use wallace to root it.
                            or try pushing busybox with adb manually