112345Level 3 - Gold Member
go to bananahackers.net
go to bananahackers.net
404 eror
koshergood they moved to new site [Login to see the link]
Thanks I'll check
Does anybody here have any expirience with WebIDE?
used it too to download wallace tools version 6 unfortunately didnt work on the att cingular flip 4 there seemed to be a different problem with every method, what exactly was the issue with webide by you? i followed the instructions on the website and it worked for me
i think it was version 57, remote runtime only connected for me with debugging on obviously and the command ./adb devices and the next command that bananahackers tells you to use adb..6000...something that was always needed for it to work
BeBrave Do you remember which version of Firefox you used?
I used the palemoon version it says to use. I did get that error sometimes. Make sure USB debugging is enabled (##33284##) and you forwarded to the right socket (dont recall which one). It should work than but only if its a device that is compatible. Check bananahackers to make sure your exact model works.
now im trying the att alcatel smartflip and remote runtime isnt working bananahackers calls it a locked phone which adb but not debug works even though i got the bug icon with ##debug## , unfortunately i dont really have the time to spend on it now hope it works for others
Nokia 6300 4g
Anyone succesfull With that device removing preinstalled apps?
Lots of work involved to root and prepare you phone to run any commands.
If i know its possible and someone did it in the past them i would try on my own.
Dont care to go to tag for these dvices. Butt want the hotspot open while locking everything else.
Was anyone able to sucessfully remove the browser from the alcatel 4044w?