• KAZUNA eTalk - App Guide & Discussion

FliphoneBochur Yeah.. looks like some OS specific needs again, trying to compile something and it needs some tools for building installed. Try to see if you can find what it is asking for and then run the command again after installing it.

The deprecation warning part should be ignore-able.

FliphoneBochur you can also try running pip install pycryptodome first just to try to get that module message out of the way. You will likely still need you to go back and install the rest of them though.

FliphoneBochur error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools": [Login to see the link]

if you install Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater, seems u wont have an issue, according to the error message.

lgexalter1 just to break that down,
the pip install -r requirements.txt does the same thing as installing them 1 by 1, but all at once. Sometimes it is clearer what module is having issues when you go 1 by 1.

The other command you can give a go, couldn't hurt, but I think it only loads the Loaders repository, and you already have the firehose set up and it seems to see it, so i think you are likely already good there.

git submodule update --init --recursive
Submodule 'Loaders' (https://github.com/bkerler/Loaders) registered for path 'Loaders'
Cloning into '/edl/Loaders'...
Submodule path 'Loaders': checked out 'b39741a9b96160755b963819d52dfe589f7a3a62'

I'm at the same stage [Login to see the link] is, except I own a F119 variant, and just tried reflashing it with kazuna's fw from their update endpoint.

The phone "is there" aka, if you manage to skip setup wizard and all that fuss, the underlying is working, it looks like they might have botched something in the file they are serving (or QFIL is doing some kind of damage) kernel wise, because to me, it just looks like a bad display driver.

If anyone has a F119 dump, even just boot.img only, I'd be grateful

I'm just waiting for someone to send anything. Anything that could get the phone to work. If it remains a brick it won't be the worst thing ever because I backed up his files and I have a spare phone, but I'd rather unbrick it.
If [Login to see the link], [Login to see the link], or anybody else who has the firmware would be able to send it, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

Meh, managed to restore F119 from a QFIL backup from the same device.
I've started messing with it because I manage to get the debugging opts, but not the authorization dialog, so it remains unauthorized.

Build no. F119_R035

    pollofifo Many people had this issue, so if you can give an unbricking guide it would be amazing

      2 months later

      Sorry for bringing up a sore topic, but has anybody had any success unbricking this phone or backing up the firmware?

        I think Kazuna may have something to do with the Punkt MP02. I see hints in the files

        2 months later

        FliphoneBochur i bricked one as well, but turns out it is not actually bricked. i tried swapping the mother board with a functional one of an older firmware and it did the same. i suspect the new hardware is not compatible with the older firmware. but the motherboard itself is not bricked.