Mmoshe1Level 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
if you use button mapper which you can download with apk pure app store (button-mapper I downloaded from apps for flip didn't work on my e4810) (apk-pure u can download from apk-pure website) then u can set the right soft key for message plus when u double tap on the soft key or long press. Button mapper lets u set 3 different functions for each button, one for single tap one for double ta,p, and one for long press (you might need the mouse app and switchboard to use apk pure app-store,) or you can install a different messaging app and set the right soft key the same way for that app And disable the regular messaging app by going to advanced settings by dev options and then going to apps and notification and when you go to regular messaging press disable if not every time you single tap the right soft when u r by the home screen it will come up then crash