finally! new update on the fig flip fixed the issue with the waze app, & its working again. would be nice if they can post anywhere what else was addressed with this update.
New FIG Kosher Phone
Rrand01201Level 1 - Junior Member
Flippy Yes I do see twrp and custom kernels for the Flip3 on XDA Forums. Once I root the phone would I have access to the kernel and be able to make changes to the existing kernel or would I have to use a new custom kernel? If I can access the existing kernel code, I think i can disable browser that way more easily?
I remember Fig initially disabling browser on the android messenger then eventually they moved to their own messenger app, I would what the reason for that was?
can i download any app on the f30 kosher model?
CcountryparkLevel 1 - Junior Member
hershys no, that wouldn’t be considered kosher.. it has an AppStore that has Waze, Gmail, and 2,3 other minor apps.
countrypark but is there a option to install other kosher apps like google maps..... or to install apk?
CcountryparkLevel 1 - Junior Member
hershys I’m not sure, did not test but I hope and assume that not. They supposedly customized it to be kosher so I’m sure it’s not easy to bypass, if at all possible.
They are not officially selling yet, should start this week, but the device I saw, Waze and Gmail crash when attempting to use them. I assume this will be fixed once officially released.
countrypark thanks for the info. tag has a filter for that?
CcountryparkLevel 1 - Junior Member
hershys the one Cellular4Less will sell comes filtered.
countrypark but do you know if im buying the non kosher if somebody could filter it cuz i would like to have some more apps?
CcountryparkLevel 1 - Junior Member
hershys are you sure it’s available unfiltered with the US bands? I understood they customized the bands.
countrypark double checked now the unfiltered with us bands will be available in november
CcountryparkLevel 1 - Junior Member
hershys guess we’ll have to check with Tag then.
JJKing2Level 2 - Senior Member
greatobeajew Just curious if your phone is still working well with tello?
does anyone know if there is a case available for the flip phone? the chassis does seem weak and could use some reinforcement
PpracticalLevel 2 - Senior Member
hershys Any update?
not what i know
Does anyone know why when I plug the phone into a mac it charges but isn't showing up. I am trying to add my shiurim and my music