countrypark hershys are you sure it’s available unfiltered with the US bands? I understood they customized the bands.
shaztzi second does the fig flip also have the problems of service stopping after a while? or calls going to vm once the screen shuts?
epjunk does anyone know if there is a case available for the flip phone? the chassis does seem weak and could use some reinforcement
Flippy epjunk Doesn't seem like there is one, but anyways a case doesn't usually protect the biggest problem area- the hinge. It's the weak point and cases don't help. (Also becoming a problem with new "flip" smartphones....)
Johnson9997 Does anyone know why when I plug the phone into a mac it charges but isn't showing up. I am trying to add my shiurim and my music
Johnson9997 The problem isn't transferring the files it's that the phone doesn't show up on the computer
Johnson9997 I don't but I never had an issue before this transferring files onto a flip phone or any phone for that matter. How will installing the android file transfer help the phone show up when it is plugged into the computer?
MXRJR Flippy I've accessed files on LG Exalt on a Mac without this transfer thing....just setting the phone to file transfer mode.