Apps4Flip-Admin I'm not the best in writing instructions in the English language so if someone else can do that its will be a better option

L-B as Apps4Flip-Admin says, maybe you can start a new thread with the command, so that it'll have higher visibility.

  • L-B replied to this.
    • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

      leiby seems to have found n issue with this command that voice access only listens to the first thing you say to it. Do you have that problem? If yes there should definitely be a warning attached to using this command

      • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

        leiby seems to have found an issue with this command that voice access only listens to the first thing you say to it. Do you have that problem? If yes there should definitely be a warning attached to using this command

          a homescreen launcher so we dont have to use launcher via notifications

          oh nvm i found listlauncher but u cant use notifications

          and it uuses default wallpaper (lg classicflip/lg wine 2 on tracfone)

          L-B its a setting in voice access app by going to notification then options

            • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

              mg5077 I'm not sure what you mean

              i mean to modifly the apps to work on the lg classic flip
              so i and others can use them

              whoops wong connversation

              but can someone modify them tho

              mg5077 where can you find notifications in the voice access app?

              i dont see such a option on the lg classic

              Android Messages for lg classic.

              L-B you can use button mapper to set a button to launch anything you want including the launcher.

              4 days later
              10 days later