AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member
BasicPhone do they have for lakewood?
BasicPhone do they have for lakewood?
Atusb no idea
if anyone knows of anywhere still sending out lakewood news via text please post thanks
Hi, anyone!
Virtual Mail - Email by phone.
It's an amazing system!!
Here is a link of kosher services.
[[Login to see the link]](https://)
google text you can ask a question and they answer with a screenshot of google but extreme kosher if you ask not kosher they block your number 786-347-9529
hello1 How do I use it?
gershonherzog1 That doesn't sound extreme... It just sounds kosher.
CallMeACynic It is extremely kosher.
Biden2020prez No, just kosher.
CallMeACynic Honestly, you can call it what you want, I don't really care what you call it.
gershonherzog1 Its called Gkosher
[Login to see the link]
BORED TEXTBACK FEE - STARTING MARCHFor 17 years, we've provided zmanim texts FREE for Yidden across the world - and that makes us happy!Due to ever-rising costs of commercial texting (as well as the service's booming popularity!), we are no longer able to continue offering this as a free service.We're so sorry!Starting March, textback users will be asked to pay $9 for a full year of texts. To pay (credit card only), call 516-261-6230.If you don't want to pay $9 per year, you can still get zmanim FREE by calling our infoline 516-796-2646, by visiting our website, or by launching our mobile app - anytime.Again - we're sorry we can't continue providing textbacks for free.If you have any questions, text us at (516) 261-6700. We're here to help you serve Hashem - and we love hearing from you!-- MyZmanim Team
chatGPT via text
1530 464 1513
to setup txt in a question and it will send you a verification code in a separate thread which you should send back to chatgpt and it will work
you only have to do this the first time