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  • NEW! Keyphone Kosher Phone

  • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    BORED I dont think they are ready for that yet....

    they are stilla few months away from their beta release

    13 days later

    They just re-did there website!!!

    a month later
    3 months later

    does anyone have any updates on this phone?

    17 days later

    i was invited to be a beta tester but then heard nothing from them, i then emailed them after a while about it and they told me that they dont have an exact timeline for when they are shipping the betas out. it seems to me that they hit a roadblock that they didnt expect to encounter and are now struggling to work around it.

      4 days later

      Amped What email address did they use?

      3 months later

      mkw they are really behind, whats going on with this company?

        MXRJR Apparently, they actually care about making a good phone, not just putting out a product.

          Flippy well if that's the case, then they will definitely be successful, just was wondering about how long its taking...

          Flippy It certainly seems very impressive.

          But there are some things I don't understand. They seem to show an app that can be used with all banks, which almost sounds impossible. What bank would allow that?

          But if they actually pull through, it can be the best phone

            • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              Biden2020prez To me it seems like they might be using android with some type of overlay so its really the Banks app but just displaying differently, more toned-down without glitzy logos and pictures. This looks like a great idea because it gives practical functionality without the smartphone feel/look, and that addictive swipey smartphone vibe. Not sure if its exactly what they are doing or even if it makes sense, but sounds like a good idea.

              esaphire3 I don't know much about banks, I just know a ton of security is involved 🙂

              SamFried I just looked at that site, it looks pretty cool. It's getting me excited.