sdmde are you able to make a guide for developing it would be so useful and everyone would benefit and can put their minds together?
Or at least please tell us how you learned all this so we can do the same?
Thank you so much

    sdmde How do i find root permission?

      Nhaaps you have to root the device what andriod version is it

        sdmde HOW DO I DO THAT!!!! lol

        Instructions plz

          Nhaaps first tell me what andriod verison it is

            I could be wrong but I think its not possible to get root access on some of those verizon phones.

            on the exalt you can unlock the bootloader

            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              sdmde Do you know how to root the LG Classic or unlock the bootloader? There is no OEM unlock option in the developer options. It runs Android version 8.1.0

              try adb reboot bootloader then fastboot oem unlock or fastboot flashing unlock

                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  sdmde Ive tried that before. It doesnt boot to bootloader

                  boot bootloader from recovery

                  sdmde idk... deos anyone know what version of andriod the lg exalt is?

                  5 days later

                  Apps4Flip-Admin like it says what type of chat it is like one is flip phones one is apps that wasnt there before...