iamn3tfox I way always curious too. Maybe we need to decompile the launcher and check for code. I don't have too much time these days but I'll try

iamn3tfox fyi I got it working in the terminal app (qute terminal works well on here, even with the keypad) but still haven't gotten an always on display on the back of the phone

    iamn3tfox it only displays the always on display on the inside of the phone. And only if it times out and goes to sleep, not if I close the phone and reopen it. It won't appear on the lock screen like on a normal android phone, odd enough

      iamn3tfox so I'm guessing since daydream/screensaver keeps the back screen on tho- it's not a lock screen like I originally thought on. The back of the phone, but something else

        iamn3tfox because it doesn't display the screen saver on it but keeps it on so it's obviously a screen that's somehow linked to the inner display since it's on when that display should be on while it's closed

          iamn3tfox but when you close the phone, the amount of time the external screen stays on looks suspiciously similar to a normal android lock screen

            iamn3tfox I'm curious what the lock screen is tho. The one you see when you open the phone. It stays on for the normal amount of time the device stays on when unlocked. I'll probably play around with the android hidden settings app to see if it's not actually the lock screen of the device

              iamn3tfox #### #### it's actually not the real one but I just set a password to unlock and got it

                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  iamn3tfox If you go to the hidden settings you can make a password and then the next time you open your phone you will get to the lock screen. I think when I did it I needed to swipe to input a password so I needed to use scrpcy.

                  iamn3tfox it's broken tho. The system one is difficult to use without connecting a mouse bc the keypad doesn't work

                    iamn3tfox time out is normal for that (like a normal lock screen). Switching back to pin gives you the custom lock screen tho so I guess it is real

                    darth ok sorry. Also I keep getting an error saying "launcher3 keeps stopping" and things like that. Is that bc I changed the launcher?

                      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                        iamn3tfox If you did try editing launcher3 then you would be getting that error and the launcher wont work because it cant verify its signature.

                          darth I didn't edit it. I actually just installed Square Home and set it as the default launcher. It works great, even on the flip phone. It also seems to be designed to work with keypads bc it has messages like "press 1 to edit" when highlighting app icons or widgets on edit mode on the flip phone. The only thing I can think of is that the device is running low on resources, but this started after granting launcher3 access to notifications so idk what's going on. I think square home may be using quite a bit of battery tho bc according to the battery manager thing I accessed thru hidden settings it shows up Square Home, Music, and Muviz Edge and says the phones using more power than normal and tells me it's those apps. Square Home is based on windows phone and has live tiles and stuff plus a lot of animation so it can be pretty battery intensive. Idk if it's bc of that those are ran a lot or an actual issue but music's a built in app so idk. I do use it for music a lot so maybe that's why. but not sure why the battery life seems a little less than when I got it. I guess it makes sense bc I'm running so much stuff on it but still it shouldnt be that much of a difference. I've been using it since 8am and it's 12pm and it's almost dead so I plugged it in. Isn't this thing rated for like 9 hours talk time? I'm using bt earbuds so I'd expect a little less but not 4 hours or so. Also does anyone know how to map the back quick dial button to click to pause/play music? Also I'd like press and hold to activate Alexa (which I installed and can activate using earbuds) and double click to skip forward and triple click to skip backwards

                          I smashed the top display and it's completely ruined. The inner one works fine tho. Is the top screen modular enough that if I bought another phone I could just swap the busted one out? I put a lot of stuff on this phone and I'd prefer not to have to transfer it to another

                          lgexalter1 I don't actually have a Pc. I had to borrow someone else's just to get the os on. The one I used is an HP stream. It's junk. Basically a it's got Chromebook specs and tries to run normal windows 10. Badly. Intel Celeron and 4gb ram. Id prefer just replacing the component. Plus if I break the old flip phone opening it I still have the new one

                          • ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member


                            avi1 helpful tip to get to home screen while on a call turn mouse on click on the top of the screen it will pull down notifications scroll down using the volume keys and click on manage which will be on the bottom on the of the notifications and then hit the back button on your key pad and it will take you to the home screen
                            to get back to call again use mouse to click on notifications and click on your call