SamFried yes, This was discussed upthread (please read all 570 posts before posting 🙂 )
disclaimer: that was a joke

    SamFried I heard that this filter isn't so reliable.... (I can't say anything else on this forums)

    lgexalter1 yes but for obvious reasons I won't elaborate

    I wasn't suspecting you I just thought it would be highly irresponsible to post it on a public forum

    Does anyone know the commands to permanently remove email and video? I was having some trouble finding where the apps are located....

    I followed all the steps to remove Browser/Chromium. I didn't get any errors but after rebooting, the browser is still there. (Before rebooting, when trying to open the browser, it didn't work)

      Try running rm -rf /system/etc/permissions/privapp-permissions-chromium.xml

        ZTEGuy everything went smoothly but the browser reappeared after reboot

        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

          chaimzalman I did have this issue. I dont know what I did to solve it but eventually it uninstalled fully. If you want you can flash my super that I posted here darth . (I added disable dmverity to my script in the zip so you shouldnt have the issue that [Login to see the link] had when flashing it.

            darth @everyone
            can we be specific which versions it worked and failed on? Post which model you have, which update you have, and which version it is.

            chaimzalman It took quite short.

            \platform-tools>fastboot flash boot neutron.img
            Sending 'boot' (24576 KB) OKAY [ 1.415s]
            Writing 'boot' OKAY [ 0.536s]
            Finished. Total time: 1.992s

              • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                Jumptoheaven I posted a full super.img to flash which takes ~ 30-40 minutes. I did it because I thought it would be easier for beginners.

                I changed my [Login to see the link] that I posted and my new one now has: No browser, Waze, Voice Access, and I disabled the favorites shortcut key so it can now be used to toggle Voice Access. From the t408dl with the KEEZ update.