Biden2020prez Text Size Syntax: I am [size=5] not[/size] responsible For anything you do with this trick. Returns: I am not responsible For anything you do with this trick.
FliphoneBochur Biden2020prez You could also make bigger and smaller header text by adding 1-6 #s at the beginning of each line. Massive Big Standard Size A Bit Smaller On the Small Side At this point it's just normal text bolded. I typed: # Massive ## Big ### Standard Size #### A Bit Smaller ##### On the Small Side ###### At this point it's just normal text bolded.
GOLDFISH [img][/img] IMAGE WITHOUT A LINK [[img][/img]]( IMAGE WITH A LINK [Login to see the link]
Biden2020prez FliphoneBochur Atusb To expand on FliphoneBochur's answer, you can convert the video to a gif using a website such as and post it the same way as an image. or else you can just post the image on google drive, but it wont work as well.
FliphoneBochur samtee It's not possible (at least as far as I know). EDIT: Now I know. Thanks [Login to see the link] !
Biden2020prez Underline Syntax: This is how to make your text [u]underlined[/u]. Returns: This is how to make your text underlined.