ReifamLevel 4 - Platinum Member
Biden2020prez tell put it
Biden2020prez tell put it
where does the apps come up on lg classic? i took off internet with the DIY filter but the apps arent coming up anywhere on the phone?
fisherprice did you install the launcher?
Reifam Thanks, fixed
LGFlip-Kosher v1.0.3
-Some Ads removed
-Added one-size-fits-all accessibility command at the end
-New call recorder app
-Option to remove app installation (apps still can be installed via ADB)
-New Shortcut from ADB Setup to go straight to filtering or installing apps
Call Recorder:
I know a number of people were looking for a call recorder but were having trouble finding one that works. This one has been tested on LG Classic and works beautifully.
Remove app installation:
This removes the option to install apps on the phone itself, but allows apps to be installed via ADB (including the Install Apps function of LGFlip-Kosher)
Accessibility command:
Thank to [Login to see the link] I added an accessibility command at the end that grants permissions to every app. (the [Login to see the link] accessibility app was moved to the regular app list).
As always, offer suggestions, report bugs, or kashrus issues.
Credits: (everything - also for kashering Google Maps!)
[Login to see the link] (I used his work to create Rebel 4 settings mod launcher)
[Login to see the link] (Rebel 4 settings mod/accessibility)
[Login to see the link] (Google Maps APK)
[Login to see the link] (JewishMusic.FM, anydesk, xplore file manager)
[Login to see the link] (providing a one-size-fits-all accessibility command)
[Login to see the link] (for his amazing mouse!!!)
[Login to see the link]
[Login to see the link]
I broke the links, there may be a temporary issue. I'll repost when it's working again.
This will have to wait till tomorrow, there is a critical issue.
Do not attempt to download! Im not responsible!
Biden2020prez JewishMusic.FM, anydesk, xplore file manager
Flippy Their downloads still work kind of. Bitly blocks their links, in the bitly link is a link to the download. Just copy that link and switch all the %2f to a /
My option to remove app installation bricked my phone I think. I'll fix my program then repost a new link.
Downloads back up!
(I removed the feature to block installing apps, sorry for the inconvenience).
[Login to see the link]
[Login to see the link]
Biden2020prez the call recorder does not show up
Ah, I see that, I'll fix it soon. For now, (inside the letter c) you can use 1 for Call Recorder, and 2 for CRC Kosher and B to go back.
MXRJR Thanks, fixed. I appreciate you reporting that.
To everyone: If you are going to activate the call recorder from inside a phone call, I recommend pressing options before activating the mouse (because otherwise it dials *********************)
It's been an amazing summer so far, but at the end of August I need to go back to yeshiva. As much as I tried to make this program as smooth as I can, nothing is bug-free. On that note, I was wondering if anyone is interested in maintaining this program while I am gone.
What I am looking for is someone who can make a quick edit in case someone reports a bug, or there is something non-kosher reported in an app.
I am looking for someone who:
If anyone thinks he fits into most (or all) of these categories, and is interested, please email me: [Login to see the link]
I want to thank everybody in this great forum, it's been a pleasure. I don't plan to disappear, but I don't know what kind of access I'll have. I am sad to go, but excited for when I'll be able to come back (hopefully I'll be able to contribute more). Thank you everybody, it's really been a great time!
If anyone needs to contact me for whatever reason, you can email me, I think I'll be available to check it.
Biden2020prez Nokia 2720 v flip
YosSavvy It runs kaios, not android, and there aren't many resources available for those phones.