I made a very easy DIY filter for dummies (with LG phones)
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Flippy Their downloads still work kind of. Bitly blocks their links, in the bitly link is a link to the download. Just copy that link and switch all the %2f to a /
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
My option to remove app installation bricked my phone I think. I'll fix my program then repost a new link.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
Downloads back up!
(I removed the feature to block installing apps, sorry for the inconvenience).
[Login to see the link]
[Login to see the link]
Biden2020prez the call recorder does not show up
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
Ah, I see that, I'll fix it soon. For now, (inside the letter c) you can use 1 for Call Recorder, and 2 for CRC Kosher and B to go back.
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
MXRJR Thanks, fixed. I appreciate you reporting that.
To everyone: If you are going to activate the call recorder from inside a phone call, I recommend pressing options before activating the mouse (because otherwise it dials *********************)
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
- Edited
It's been an amazing summer so far, but at the end of August I need to go back to yeshiva. As much as I tried to make this program as smooth as I can, nothing is bug-free. On that note, I was wondering if anyone is interested in maintaining this program while I am gone.
What I am looking for is someone who can make a quick edit in case someone reports a bug, or there is something non-kosher reported in an app.
I am looking for someone who:
- Is tech savvy
- Is very comfortable with ADB commands
- Knows basic Batch file commands (ECHO, Pause, cls, echo off, goto, etc.)
- Is comfortable using Github (mostly uploading updates)
- has access to a windows computer
- Has an LG Flip phone available for testing
- Knows how to edit APKs (not mandatory, if there is an issue with an app, and you don't know how to fix it, you can just remove it)
- Can fix things in a timely fashion (no, 24/7 isn't necessary, but if you can be available a couple times a week)
If anyone thinks he fits into most (or all) of these categories, and is interested, please email me: [Login to see the link]
I want to thank everybody in this great forum, it's been a pleasure. I don't plan to disappear, but I don't know what kind of access I'll have. I am sad to go, but excited for when I'll be able to come back (hopefully I'll be able to contribute more). Thank you everybody, it's really been a great time!
If anyone needs to contact me for whatever reason, you can email me, I think I'll be available to check it.
YYosSavvyLevel 1 - Junior Member
Biden2020prez Nokia 2720 v flip
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
YosSavvy It runs kaios, not android, and there aren't many resources available for those phones.
YYosSavvyLevel 1 - Junior Member
any easy way to remove internet access on it?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
YosSavvy No, except bring it to tag.
TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member
When I type the letter "A" there are 7 options but I can only access the first 4 because there is only the option to type in 1 through 4. Can you please update it so that I can access the numbers 5-7. Thanks!
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
T-K Thanks for reporting, Ill fix it in the next update. Did you try pressing those numbers anyway? Even if it says 1-4, i wrote that, and it may be a simple mistake.
TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member
Biden2020prez Yes, it did not work
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
T-K okay, I may only be able to update in a few weeks, ill see what i can do.
Can you please email me at [Login to see the link]
Ttekay13Level 1 - Junior Member
hi did you ever update the issue with the regular mouse that you cannot enter the number? i dont see a new update
Biden2020prez y is the call recorder ask for accessibility permission?
Biden2020prez I have realized that the recorder supposed to be able to activate a fiscal button to record but it needs to be the volume buttons but didn't work maybe you can give a look at this?
thanks in advance