• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

Thank you [Login to see the link] so much for your work!
I think it would be helpful if you would preface each ROM name with either "Talk Only" or "Talk&Text" and keep the talk only and talk and text ROMs separate. I formatted it below, but I don't know if I got the Talk Only and Talk&Text parts correct.

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  • Removes: Browser, Texting, Email, Gallery, Camera, Music, Recorder.

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  • Removes: Browser, Texting, Email, Gallery.

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  • Removes: Texting, Browser, Email, or Hotspot

should this read "Email and Hotspot"?

  • Includes: Waze, Weather and Siddur

[Login to see the link]

  • Removes: Browser or Email

should this read "Browser and Email"?

  • Includes: Voice Access.

[Login to see the link]

  • Removes: Browser, Email or Hotspot

should this read "Email and Hotspot"?

  • Includes: Waze, Weather and Siddur

[Login to see the link]

  • Removes: Browser
  • Includes: Waze, Weather, Siddur, Email and Hotspot
    • RrockLevel 1 - Junior Member

      darth Tried rebooting, didn't help. I have the Waze, Weather, Siddur, Email and Hotspot ROM.

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        ru4real Thanks! That looks really nice and clear.

        just installed extra apps option 1. is this supposed to include voice access? also how do I navigate waze? is it supposed to have a cursor?

          • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            joe1234 It does include voice access, to set it up follow directions from first post (in 'details' following Rom downloads). If you flashed the boot.img that you downloaded with the Rom then you will have a mouse. It is activated on and off by clicking the favorites key (Star)

              darth I did the whole process stated in the first post except for enabling voice access, and I didn't flash the boot.img. Can/should I do over the entire process and include these 2 things, or is there a way to just add these 2 things now? when I enable voice access, I dial ##33284## on the phone and then run the next step on the adb, correct? thanks!

                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                  joe1234 Yes you can do both things now.

                    darth I've made a boot animation an shutdown animation but I'm not sure how to get it on. when I try to push them to /product/media I get an error and adb root has an error as well

                    I flashed the boot.img and now have a cursor when I press the star, but am having some issues on Waze like the when the 9 is pressed the letters dont work. Also when I scroll down the screen doesn’t go down along. Is this expected?

                    I tried doing the voice access but when I dial ##33284## on the phone nothing happens, I also tried it on the adb and nothing happened, what am I doing wrong?

                      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                        joe1234 When the mouse is on the keys: 7,9,*,# wont work because those are used for scrolling, 7,9 for up and *,# for down. When you dial *#*#33284#*#* you should have a popup saying usb debugging turned on. Once it is on you should then plug your phone into the computer and run the adb commands.

                          Thanks! I dialed and got usb debugging turned on, then plugged in the phone and ran the command for voice access, but it says no emulators/devices found. I realized my pc doesn't recognize that my phone is plugged in even after usb debugging. what am I doing wrong?

                          ru4real I need one with talk, text, weather, and yidish keyboard. Which of these would be the best option?

                            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                              ayilmeshilesh I currently dont have any with other language keyboards. I am looking around for such options. If anyone knows of any hebrew/yiddish t9 keyboard please let me know. For now your best bet is probably Talk&Text Option 2.

                                darth It's not so crazy using button mapper to change keyboards pretty quick. And even though I don't use hebrew so much, I sometimes have a better experience with that keyboard and use it anyway (kika isn't great in some apps).

                                I am curious about Traditional T9. It doesn't work well on this phone (crashes right away), but it might just be a key mapping issue. It's open source with plenty of documentation, but I haven't really had the time to look into it much.

                                I am also curious about NineKeyIme, which is in Snapfon phones (and one guy here had it on a Jethro). The thing has a massive T9 dictionary, including words like "1weather" and "kumzitz", but I am not sure where to get a hold of it, and not sure it would work (I also am not very familliar with deodexing). (Maybe we can get PureTalk to give it to us). But that keyboard isn't hebrew, i am just interested in a better keyboard in general.

                                • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                                  • Edited

                                  ayilmeshilesh If someone has the geder filter maybe I could look and see what they did and would try to incorporate something similar into my roms.

                                    darth How do I take off a copy off the OS?
                                    I could get someone's phone to get his ROM.
                                    MOD EDIT
                                    Copying off a ROM someone worked hard to create and charges for is against what this forum stands for