• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

  • HHi1Level 3 - Gold Member

    mg5077 how can I install it as my default gallery app?

      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        mg5077 Why would I modify all of my roms with your gallery? Some people want to have video. I have a modded gallery also and Im just not sure which new Roms to make. The 'talk only's' already dont have a gallery and the 'with apps op1' Im assuming wants video also.

          I followed the whole process. MTK Utility booted the device succesfully into fastboot. But now fastboot shows waiting for the device. It is not recognizing the device. I tried manually updated the driver but it didn't help. ADB did find the device before it booted in to fastboot mode. Anyone know if I need special fastboot drivers?

            • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

              RoseBoy You do need specific fastboot drivers. I found that sometimes I needed to go to device manager (win+x) and update the drivers for the phone manually.

                darth Thanks! I have fastboot drivers and it worked on other devices. Even on the Flip 2 a different phone. Now it isn't working. I tried updating the device manager with the drivers manually, but nothing happens. I am on Windows 10. Driver signing is turned off. I tried MediaTek Android ADB interface version Dated 8/28/14. I also tried Google Android ADB Interface version dated 1/27/14 and also Google Android Bootloader Interface same version and date. Can you share what fastboot drivers you have working?

                Edit: I removed all mediatek drivers and reinstalled them. It works now. Thanks!

                mg5077 hello how do i install this app thanks

                  darth my opinion is that video is אסור because the פסק of the rabunim but of course I can't tell you what to do but can I please ask you to add this with the talk basic just for me and I think that more people will also like to have that option

                    can someone please tell me what to do I'm trying to modify with fx file explorer but wen I remount the album to read only all go back so if I reboot the device I have to start again

                      Hi1 COMPROT its the original gallery app modified so if you have already galley you have firs to uninstall the first one and then install it the same way you install other apps and after a reboot you will have it on the main menu

                      darth you can see that 2 people already interested in this


                          3474336863 to delete camera app and install my modified gallery app as a system app

                          mg5077 thanks how to i get root permission? thanks for your help

                          • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                            mg5077 I realize there is a want for this to be included in a Rom. First of all if you feel so strongly about this then modify the rom yourself and share it publicly and I will put it in my first post (as I mention there). Secondly, I already took out the gallery from talk basic due to your concern. Thirdly, there is clearly a want for this app to be included in some Roms I would just like to get a better feel for which option('s) I should add it to: Talk Basic, Talk&Text, With Apps Op1, or With Apps Op3?
                            I will bln add it when I have the time. I may only end up doing it when I do a bigger update. (I am working on adding more features/apps. Suggestions are welcome!)

                              darth I have tried Hebdate on this phone and its worked excellent

                              I tried doing it everything went through,
                              but when I got to fastboot flash --disable.. I was getting this error

                              "fastboot: unknown option -- e"
