• Flip Phones
  • Instructions for installing a kosher ROM on TCL Flip2/Classic T408DL

aberry I have never had the 8gb variant so I cant compare. From what I was able to find there is no difference other than the memory.

darth Is there a video on how to do all this. I am having a hard time.

Went thru the process here. Got to flashing super (using Talk&Text ROM). Goes thru until 7/12 and then stalls there. Any ideas please? Thanks much!

    FliphoneBochur Oh wow, didn't realize that, thanks much! Hope I didn't brick the thing by pulling the plug on it. Can I just restart it with the super flash step or do I have to restart from the top?

    FliphoneBochur actually went thru and flashed successfully and got a "finished. Total time". Was excited when powering up and seeing "Free Filtered SW Talk and Texdt v1.2" but no mazel tov yet -- it's just stuck there!?! Any ideas please?

      • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member


        darth Make sure you are choosing a ROM that is for your specific device!

        darth Tested on t408dl, 4058E and 4058L:

        It does not work on the 4058W

          • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

            • Edited

            flipperk I do have a filtered version that may work for the 4058W but i have not tested because i dont have that model to test it on. If you want to test it on your device feel free. [Login to see the link]is the super. If it does work please report back!

              darth Awesome! Thanks much Darth, will do! So this is the equivalent of "Talk&Text No Browser or Email" or what exactly does it kill/add?

              darth "The data package has expired. Expiration: 6/4/2023, 2:14 PM". Any chance you can throw that up onto gdrive please?

              darth Thank you!! Is the equivalent of "Talk&Text No Browser or Email" but for the 4058W?

              darth that image worked on the 4058W! Thanks soooo much!! But my issue is that I need gallery as well, to view photos I take. I would REALLY appreciate it if you can make an image that's a no browser version. Similar to "Talk&Text: Removes: Browser and Email. Includes: Voice Access." or "Talk&Text-With Apps Op 2: Removes: Browser. Includes: Waze, Weather, Siddur, and Hotspot.". BLESS YOU - this is a huge help with keeping the kids safe!

              • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                • Edited

                I hope to have time over the coming weeks to update all of my Roms. Anyone who is currently using my Rom or plans on using it please fill out this [Login to see the link] so I can get an idea of what I need to update and add.

                  darth that would be great. I'll have to hold off giving this to my daughter until I can flash the 4058W with a no browser but yes photos ROM. Just submitted the survey as well. To clarify, for TCL 4058W, you currently only have that one ROM you linked above?

                  darth hey is it possible that everything works but calling doesn't? even texting is working in both directions. but calls in/out don't work. wondering if that's even a possibility with a "bad" ROM rather than apps not launching/working/etc. Or do I need to do anything for it to work?

                    flipperk [Login to see the link] The calls are actually working but sporadically. Moving to new SIM doesn't help. Still curious if you think the culprit may be this 4058W ROM I used or do you think it's unrelated? Thanks.