• LG Classic Flip

  • AayidLevel 1 - Junior Member

    Can someone PLEASE help me. I installed VoiceAccess which uninstalls LG's built in voicecommand. I don't like VoiceAccess and therefore deleted it- but I want LG's voice command back. How do I get it back? thank you!

      ayid factory reset

      • Myi replied to this.

        T-K This is a known issue and the main reason we recommend people go with Total Wireless, from what we have seen people have far less issues with them

        • T-K replied to this.
          • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

            So, finally after spending close to 5 hours with Tracfone, we came to the solution (pretty basic 🙂 You have to speak to someone in the Corporate department because they have the tools to see the features on your phone, and then all they have to do is uncheck the MMS feature and re-check it, then you restart your phone and it should work. Pretty frustrating situation, but finally got it to work!!

              • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                Jumptoheaven I must be doing something wrong because it is not working for me. I'll tell you step by step what I did.
                Searched adb on my computer and that brought me to the command prompt
                then i typed in > adb install -t (then I dragged the apk file and placed it after the "-t" it came up as an address - meaning like where it is located on my computer ex: C:\Users........)
                I got a message saying
                'adb install' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
                operable program or batch file.

                Can you please assist? Thanks! Really not a programmer 🙂

                  T-K you have to read the instructions on the apps 4flip site. You need to start cmd from the tools folder

                  • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                    Can you send a link to it? I can't find it

                      Don’t see it on Apps4flip site right now.
                      try this:

                      1. Connect your Android device to the computer with a USB cable
                        The USB mode must be PTP in order for ADB to work. You can usually change this from the notification shade
                        Make sure to allow USB debugging if a pop-up appears
                      2. Open the platform-tools folder on your computer
                      3. Shift+Right Click and select Open command prompt here
                      4. Type adb devices and hit Enter
                        You should see a list of attached devices
                        Now you can enter ADB commands!
                      • T-K replied to this.

                        T-K download adb using this link. [Login to see the link]

                        Once downloaded, copy the address of the platform tools folder from the file manager bar.

                        open cmd, type cd (make a space) and then paste the above mentioned address. Hit enter.

                        On your phone set USB mode to midi.
                        Plug in the phone.
                        Type adb devices into the command line. Now check you phone. It should ask you for permission to connect. Give it.
                        You should now see your device listed in cmd.
                        You're now connected!

                          • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

                            Jumptoheaven I did exactly what you wrote but I don't see my device listed in cmd.
                            I also tried with Web ADB.com, I got "Access denied" error

                              • L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member

                                How did you get to someone in the corporate department. You think I can simply ask to speak to someone in that department?

                                • T-K replied to this.

                                  ksav did you enable USB debugging?
                                  What phone do you have?

                                  • ksav replied to this.
                                    • KksavLevel 1 - Junior Member

                                      Jumptoheaven Yes.
                                      LG Classic.
                                      I tried all USB configuration, MTP, PTP, MIDI and RNDIS.
                                      I want to remove the browser ASAP but i can't

                                        ksav Keep it on ''charging" in the USB mode menu

                                        • ksav replied to this.

                                          ksav follow the instructions in the introduction menu (in webadb)

                                          • ksav replied to this.
                                            • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                                              L-B Yes, you can ask them. They will say that they can help you but you need a representative that has access to edit your features, and usually the people that answer the phone first don't have access to that.

                                              • L-B replied to this.
                                                • TT-KLevel 2 - Senior Member

                                                  Phoney Once I do all these steps, how can I install the button mapper app from the Kosher Apps for Flip website?

                                                  Thanks for you clear instructions!