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lionscribe As for the HebKey Keyboard app, I made it more friendly to other accessibility Apps (like the Mouse App). You can get it at
[Login to see the link]

Please let me know how it works.

Could you change the switch key to number 5 key because some default keyboards like the LG has is when long press # key goes to the next line and if the HebKey is enabled the only way now to go to the next line will be to switch to the Hebrew Keyboard and and click 3 times the 0 key then switch back to the default keyboard?

    i just tested on the Kyocera E4610 the only problem is that the space button on kyocera is # not 0.
    so when you enable the keyboard you cant use the space button on the default keyboard.

    i would recommend that you should change in the app all settings from # to the 0 button and vice versa, so the keyboard should be launched by long pressing 0 and it should be great...

    Thanks for your amazing work

      a-one if he will change all features from # to 0 and from 0 to # everything will work great

        SamFried it's probably 2 separate things the long press # is what selects the keyboard and the space on 0 and # with * is to switch language has to do with the keyboard it's like the QinPad keyboard

          is there any way someone can make a app like this for lg classic flip

          SamFried [Login to see the link]
          i just tested on the Kyocera E4610 the only problem is that the space button on kyocera is # not 0.
          so when you enable the keyboard you cant use the space button on the default keyboard.

          I see now that the Lg Exalt and Kyocera E4810 has the same issue so it's not possible to make a space or go to the next line with the default keyboard if the Hebrew Keyboard and it will probably not help that I wrote here a-one so because if using a different key from the keypad for the switch key it will have the same problem for that button because it will detect it as a switch key and not to type something in so the solution is to use a key that is not used while typing like the speaker voice command or camera button and it will work when the keyboard is closed I see it on the Kyocera and LG that the # key works long press in the home screen to turn on or off vibrate mode and when clicked once it opens the dialer but the second time it defects it as a keyboard so it could only work as a switch key so the best option is to make that it should be possible to set whatever key someone wants like the kco mouse has such an option that you could click a button and the app detect it and sets to set that button for the mouse to turn on and off so it will be a good option to do the same to the HebKey and it will work on most phones

          • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

            • Edited

            lionscribe As for the HebKey Keyboard app, I made it more friendly to other accessibility Apps (like the Mouse App). You can get it at
            [Login to see the link]

            Please let me know how it works.

            [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
            [Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
            On the TCL it shows the selected keyboard option on the bottom left of the screen and it could also change by clicking the top left button like the default keyboard but the problem is when set to אב it shows it as symbol not as אבג so could you fix this that it should look nicer also maybe you could make that on the Kyocera and LG it should also show the keyboard options on screen?

              a-one it's impossible. The MenuBar is a TCL thing, and is hard coded to be able to show only their supported options. I chose to use Symbols, as it is never shown in any other circumstance. In addition, on all devices, it should show on the notification bar and icon with current input. I do see the icon on some of your screenshots.

                • a-oneLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  • Edited

                  lionscribe on the 1st screenshot it says in the notification on top אב and in the bottom of the screen on the left Symbols in the 2nd screenshot it says in the notification on top AB and in the bottom of the screen on the left ABC and in the 3rd screenshot it shows how it looks when the default keyboard is selected and in the 4th screenshot how it looks when the HebKey is selected when clicking on the top left button to select an option and while selecting it doesn't show a notification on top because nothing is selected and it only shows when it is possible to type something and when selecting symbols when it's set to the Hebrew Keyboard it will show אב on top and type in Hebrew and not symbols so what does symbols have to do with אב it should rather say אבג instead of symbols like the keyboard that comes with some filters for the LG classic
                  screenshot from the LG classic [Login to see the link]

                    OK, I just updated the AppLauncher app (v1.10), with a new feature, that it can also be launched by programming your phone shortcut key to go to "Portal" or "Homepage" (Set by default for the UP key on TCL phones).

                    [Login to see the link]

                    There are now 3 versions.
                    Use the Browser version for TCL Kosher Phones that have the Browser completely removed. It will show up on the launch screen with the Browser icon.
                    Otherwise, you can use the ATT version for TCL - Non-ATT - devices, that do not have the ATT DeviceUnlock App. It will show up on the launch screen with the DeviceUnlock icon.
                    Use the CTS version for LG Flip phones. It will not appear on the launch screen, but you can use the shortcut key method mentioned above.

                    Thanks a million! It works great on the Kyocera...

                    Just one minor issue from my end, that on the Kyocera And LG's the space button is # not 0 - So when im typing im always clicking # for space...

                    Its possible to change the space to #? I hope im not making you work hard...

                    Thank you

                      • KklienLevel 1 - Junior Member

                        • Edited

                        on the kyocera e4710
                        modes is the the middle (ok) button
                        upper & lower case is the * key