Ttekay13Level 1 - Junior Member
breakingnews does it work now? if yes please send me the download.
breakingnews does it work now? if yes please send me the download.
for those that wanted the newest version of
i spent a couple of hours trying to switch all the sizes of the fonts and pictures so it could work easily on a flip phone but so far it didn't work (to make it smaller) if anyone is able to help it would be greatly appreciated
[Login to see the link] to the modified app (it still works just) its harder to use with a flip phone than the last version that i posted (because when you search for an artist you can't search easily for their song) but you have to sign in with scrcpy and use a mouse to navigate
if anyone can remove the ads it will be a lot easier to use
(note. the kco good use mouse works very well with this app on Kyocera)
adb shell pm grant android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
pm grant android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
it is a very useful app for all apps
to make the screen more compact (zoomed out) and fit more pixels on the screen lower the dpi
[to make the screen fit less pixels on the screen raise the dpi]
to reset to the default dpi just click reset in the app
12345 You beat me to it! I was about to post one.
12345 AMAZING!!!! You shuld get it posted on the main site.
It worked on the lg classic but not on the tcl, any way to make a version for the tcl?
[Login to see the link] do you want to post it on the main site
from my understanding tcl runs on kaios and that is web based and i don't know how to deal with that
2 Things:
12345 This is a great app! It's really useful! Thank you! I agree that it should be posted on the site.
12345 See here for details on that [Login to see the link]
instructions how to use the
use the density changer app (12345 ) to set the density to 70
then go to the artist icon in the bottom nav bar then search in the search-bar the artist name when the artist pops up click on him with a mouse then search in the search-bar for the album/song then click on it and it will start playing
there are many other options (go through new release or go to the song icon and search for a new song etc.) but this is the one that i know works
12345 my method of srolling through setting a button with button mapper dosen't work on this version because of the ad bar they added to the bottom of the screen. Is there any way to remove it or move it to a different place on the screen so it won't interfere with the scrolling?
what error do you get on tcl (ex. at what part doesn't work installing/activating/command)
i can try i'll let you know it could take me some time
12345 it installs fine but crashes during launch
Didn't they start charging to use the app? Basically every new song is part of the premium subscription which cost $7 a month.
Unless I'm missing something?
Myi Yeah. But I prefer shirali. Much better on flips, and not charging as much. but they still have some premium things.
Myi When I uninstall and install app a bunch of times its always a different cost. once they only asked for 2 bucks. sometimes they asked 14. and many numbers in betrween.