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  • Signed 24Six App

chaimzalman You mean to set a default DPI for the app? I don't know how to do it, but it's probably possible. I wouldn't want to do it because while music, podcasts, and library need a lower dpi for full functionality, videos get messed up on changed DPIs. I could set the default DPI to 80 and then tell people to make their DPI higher for video, but high DPIs mess up the phone screen more than low ones. Some phones go crazy when the DPI is too high (same thing with too low, but you could only go down to 72 on adb, and even with the DPI changer app, most people won't make it so small that you can't click the popup). Also, some phones have a dpi of 160, and some have 120, so changing the default on either phone could mess things up.

    chaimzalman There's not really a good way, but I don't see why changing density is a "bad" way. If the adb commands are annoying, just use 12345's density app.

    Apps4Flip-Admin Yeah... looks interesting!

    Let's make a quick moment of silence for anyone who believes 24Six made an OS.

    Really big companies like Samsung don't make their own OS for hundreds of phone models, but a small company built an OS for an Mp3 player 🙂.

    I just wish companies were more transparent about their products.

    Looks cool though. I would consider getting it if it had a keypad like classic mp3 players. But the whole thing is a bit expensive considering you also need a subscription...

      tekay13 I already saw what I needed to fix and updated my post above.

      would be a big help for those only using music to make a default dpi to 80 on the app. if possible

        • KKgrLevel 1 - Junior Member

          So i have the 24 six app downloaded on my cat s22, but when I open library, it crashes. Anybody know what to do? It could be screen size problems as ive had before.

            13 days later

            on my lg exalt I download the the app and changed my dpi to 80 and Lower but the app still keeps on crashing anybody know why?

              Biden2020prez I played around with it and when I set the DPI to 150 it took a lot longer for it to crash but at 155 It crashed at the same time as all the other numbers. does that mean anything?