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  • Go to Home Screen While in Middle of a Call

Does anybody know of an app that could be used to go to the homescreen / any other app while in middle of a call? I've been looking around all over and I found that there was once an app called home4flip on a website that was only up for a short time, but I can't find the app. I tried using the button mapper to map a button to home and it still didn't work.
(By the way, the button mapper on the website hasn't installed on any phone I've tried it on. (I get Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_NO_MATCHING_ABIS: Failed to extract native libraries, res=-113]). I found a similar APK that worked for me on a different website. If anybody wants it you could ask me.)
(I know the concept works because I used scrcpy on WebADB while I was on a call to test it out, and the home button on bottom worked.) If anybody knows of an app / command / any way to get to the home screen while in middle of a call please tell me. Thanks!

    FliphoneBochur I use the button mapper on my LG Classic for that and it works fine. You probably didn't put the right permissions to enable with mouse and/or voice access.

      mr-mayor Just tried a bunch of stuff with the button mapper. Nothing's working.

      mr-mayor Nope. Not on the go flip v. I made the thread asking if anybody knows of any other way to do it.

        Kosher24 Thanks! Is there any command I have to run to get the app to work? What button do I press when I'm in middle of a call to go home?


          you don't need to enter a command

          set up:
          you need to add a contact (i would call it 1111 or aaaa so it would be on the top of your contacts) and add website to it called apps home4flip.go (yes you can add a website to a contact you might need to go into add/set another field or more options)
          how to use:
          and then what you need to do is when you are on a phone call; go to add a call; select contacts; then select whatever you named the contact (if you named it 1111 or aaaa it should be on the top) the go down till you see the website and its highlighted (you might not need to go down); then click the top right soft button which should say go (or whichever other says go) and you'll be on the home screen


          set up:
          program a button in button mapper to the app home4flip
          during a phone call click the button that you programmed to take you to the main screen

            12345 Neither options work on my phone. I don't have an option in contacts to open the website, and the button mapper doesn't seem to work for me at all.

            Biden2020prez Nada.

              12345 Yes, but my phone doesn't give me an option to go to the link. If I try clicking on it nothing happens.

              is that kaios??


              and when you scroll down to the website in the contact none of the options like soft right key or soft left key or any thing give the option go/select