Universal Mouse Cursor for the LG Classic
L-BLevel 4 - Platinum Member
it can do ""boruch hashem"" and ""daven with a minyan"" but obviously not everything. it gets words from their context. BTW it needs internet to work. check it out.
also you can open apps just by saying the app name
CchaimontherunLevel 3 - Gold Member
Apps4Flip-Admin Stealing from who?
MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
chaimontherun If the owner sent it out it shouldn't be stealing.
But it's avlb now in the app section to download.
CchaimontherunLevel 3 - Gold Member
Myi Right but the admins post was before that.
Is the one in the app section the same one?
MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member
chaimontherun You have to ask someone that paid for the program for you to know if the info that's avlb is the same as the one on the site.