
  • Level 3 - Gold Member
  • Joined Sep 19, 2021
  • 13 points
  • SMS Backup/Restore: [Login to see the link]
    Useful app if you're switching phones!

    The app works best to backup if you have an SD card.
    You'll need to set this app as the default messaging app in order to restore your texts.

    Some phones will give you a prompt to switch, but on others, you'll need to run adb shell db shell settings put secure sms_default_application com.android.cts.smsbackuprestore to set this app as the default. After you restore your texts, if you have message+ (Verizon phones) run adb shell settings put secure sms_default_application com.verizon.messaging.vzmsgs if you have any other default messaging app run adb shell settings put secure sms_default_application com.android.mms.
    (If you're on WebADB run any commands listed here without the words adb shell)

    If this app doesn’t work for you, you can try 801900Flip. I’m pretty sure the backup xml files are compatible with both versions.
    Thank you [Login to see the link] for showing me how to remove ads!
    Thank you to [Login to see the link] for telling me the [Login to see the link] for setting the default SMS app!

    • Appblock - A great app to block apps on your phone.

      -You can block any app, even package installer!
      -You don't need to worry about soft brick, because this only blocks access to the app, doesn't disable it.
      -You can block websites , but I didn't test it, I don't have browser on my phone 😉.
      -You can password protect this app, so someone else is in charge.
      -Block uninstallation of this app
      -Resolution resized to fit nicer on flip phones
      -No ads
      -You can block apps based on location, time, amount used, and more!

      To setup, run the one time ADB command. This is for WebADB: appops set com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock GET_USAGE_STATS allow &
      cmd notification allow_listener com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock/cz.mobilesoft.appblock.service.NotificationService & appops set com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

      For exalt run:
      pm grant com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS & settings put secure enabled_notification_listeners com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock/cz.mobilesoft.appblock.service.NotificationService &
      appops set com.android.cts.cz.mobilesoft.appblock SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW allow

      All these links are the same file
      [Login to see the link]
      [Login to see the link]
      [Login to see the link]

      • NEC I looked at it briefly myself and agree. Opened up Chromium.apk and it does the same setting in an AccessibilityManager onWindowFocusChanged(): Settings.System.putInt(getContentResolver(), "keyboard_pointer_enable", z ? 1 : 0)

        It's probably possible to develop our own application that does this same event handler but enables the mouse for a list of applications.

        • It's been an amazing summer so far, but at the end of August I need to go back to yeshiva. As much as I tried to make this program as smooth as I can, nothing is bug-free. On that note, I was wondering if anyone is interested in maintaining this program while I am gone.

          What I am looking for is someone who can make a quick edit in case someone reports a bug, or there is something non-kosher reported in an app.

          I am looking for someone who:

          • Is tech savvy
          • Is very comfortable with ADB commands
          • Knows basic Batch file commands (ECHO, Pause, cls, echo off, goto, etc.)
          • Is comfortable using Github (mostly uploading updates)
          • has access to a windows computer
          • Has an LG Flip phone available for testing
          • Knows how to edit APKs (not mandatory, if there is an issue with an app, and you don't know how to fix it, you can just remove it)
          • Can fix things in a timely fashion (no, 24/7 isn't necessary, but if you can be available a couple times a week)

          If anyone thinks he fits into most (or all) of these categories, and is interested, please email me: [Login to see the link]

          I want to thank everybody in this great forum, it's been a pleasure. I don't plan to disappear, but I don't know what kind of access I'll have. I am sad to go, but excited for when I'll be able to come back (hopefully I'll be able to contribute more). Thank you everybody, it's really been a great time!
          If anyone needs to contact me for whatever reason, you can email me, I think I'll be available to check it.