
    • 21 days ago
    • Joined Sep 20, 2022
    • 0 points
    • Updating Roms

      Here is a guide for updating Roms. This means you already installed one of darth Kosher Roms, and want to switch to a different one. If you follow these steps you shouldn't lose your data. This guide assumes you already did all the steps to install a kosher Rom, and you are working on the same computer (so you already installed mtk drivers, flashed vbmeta, unlocked bootloader, know how to use fastboot, etc)

      Step By Step Instructions:

      1. Download the rom of your choice from the top post on this thread (darth ). (make sure its named super.bin - I didn't check all them).

      2. You should probably download [Login to see the link] because you might have an old one. Run fastboot flash boot boot.bin to flash it.

      3. Run fastboot reboot fastboot, and wait for your phone to boot to the screen that says "Android Fastboot" among other information.

      4. Run fastboot flash super super.bin.

      5. When it finishes flashing super, run fastboot reboot, or press "reboot system now" on the phone.

      Great Job! All Done!