i installed the apps4flip mouse in i runed the adb comendes but after then im stuck i cant do anythink the buttons doesent work PLEASE HELP ME
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
try uninstalling the app and then reinstall
i cant becuse no buttons work
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
from adb. you allowed adb previously with your computer....?
How do you uninstall an app?
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
- Edited
Yea I had same problem Too With Apps4Flip Mouse But Debugging is still on even when frozen buttons So i Just did pm list packages
then i found the package of Apps4flip Mouse Did adb shell pm uninstall -k --user 0 (Package) and my phone started working again
Help! I bricked my phone!
I installed the app4flip mouse and then ran the commands.
Now the buttons all don't work!
I have the LG Exalt.
I tried L-B suggestion to Press "PWR/END key and the Volume Down key..." but it would not work (probably doesn't work on the Exalt.)
I was unable to connect a mouse...
And I didn't click "Always allow from this computer" on my phone so I can't uninstall using WebADB!!
What can I do???
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
hebersph if debuging is still on go to adb and type first adb devices
then adb shell then
pm list packages` until you find the package of the apps for flip mouse (it happened to me also) make sure your on charging not file manager
GOLDFISHLevel 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
hebersph turn of your phone then hold the volume down and the end button together then it will come up options on the phone so when you see the options use the volume buttons for up and down and the end button for enter so select the option that says safe mode and it will start working normally on safe mode when it’s on safe mode you won’t be able to see your app’s that you installed so exit safe mode and it will probably work again without crashing
Eexalter123Level 1 - Junior Member
Im trying to uninstall with adb but getting error. Can someone please post clear exact commands how to uninstall. I am not a pro at this at all. just a begginer
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
If it says error its either not on debuging or not on charging (Notifcations)
FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
exalter123 did you try what GOLDFISH mentioned?
Eexalter123Level 1 - Junior Member
Yes I tried that. It didnt work for me. What does charging mean?
THE_SOMEONELevel 2 - Senior Member
exalter123 when your phone is pluged in in your notifications there is a thing over there press it make sure its on charging not on file manager or anything else