secret codes for flip phones
esaphire3Level 1 - Junior Member
foe everyone typing out star click insert code </> on the bottom when typing your post and then it will show the stars *******
Ddi2020Level 1 - Junior Member
Kaios debug mode
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
- Edited
its *#*#debug#*#*
not ##debug##
wanttoworkfortagLevel 1 - Junior Member
12345 he prob put in the *
but forgot to put it in code so it didnt show up
wanttoworkfortag Someone should make a thread with how to properly insert code.
BbzkLevel 1 - Junior Member
For the lg wine 2 developer option ##program120 press call service code
BbzkLevel 1 - Junior Member
Lg phones #546368#module number#
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
ther is a star and the code is *#546368#*modelnumber#
BbzkLevel 1 - Junior Member
lg phones
what is a code to do factory reset on lg phones
112345Level 3 - Gold Member
then one of options factory reset on most lg phones
Flipper26Level 1 - Junior Member
( #83865625# )
wanttoworkfortagLevel 1 - Junior Member
Flipper26 CMIIW I think that is only on tracfone phones
Anyone know the code to accesd developer options on coolpad flip phones?
on the LG classic flip its ##228378, no other codes work, I've tested them.
wanttoworkfortag the LG classic flip is a tracfone