• Fix Hinge on LG Exalt

  • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

    william Good Q. Quite hard. No tip or trick on my end. Just try your best.
    If you do end up snapping it, it will cause the cover to pop off, which will then cause the hinge to come loose, which can allow for the top and bottom to separate and eventually and snapping the ribbon cable.
    Yes I have many spare parts of those little black frames connected to the front screen, which can easily be swapped out when I snap one upon removing the cover.

    14 days later

    does anyone know where i can get the sticky glue to stick the screen back in place after taking off to replace hinge??

    not the actuaally screen the lens on the outside

      • FlippyLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

        william Try a tiny bit of gorilla glue. Even crazy glue should work fine.

        i would buy the material the phone comes with just in case i would need to open it up again but i just dont know where to buy it?

          on the side of the flex ribbon on the keypad frame the hinge cracked off the phone and I lost the metal piece that was in it (not the lock on the other side) and the little plastic cover on the outside of the frame do any1 know what those pieces are called how I could get them?

          • Myi replied to this.
            24 days later
            • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

              princeofthecS you basically need a new hinge.
              That's what I would call it.

              4 months later

              I successfully replaced the top frame, but the hinge is very loose, with no resistance. It just flops closed. Is there some kind of piece that secures the hinge, that may have fallen out or is out of place? Thanks in advance.

              • Myi replied to this.
                • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                  • Edited

                  zundel You didn't put it back together properly.

                    Myi Can you elaborate a bit? On the right side of the lower part of the hinge, there is a circular piece of metal that went inside the upper part of the hinge.

                    On the left side there was no metal, I just snapped the upper hinge into place.

                      I was also wondering about this. How do you fit both sides snugly together? On one side there's that little metal protrusion as pictured above, but on the other side there's a little metal rod that I can't seem to figure out how it goes.

                      • Myi replied to this.
                        19 days later
                        • MMyiLevel 3 - Gold Member

                          • Edited

                          zundel yn123

                          Message 1347-201-2five01
                          He fixes these phones. He may be able to assist you guys.

                            Myi I did end up figuring it out eventually. For the benefit of those who may need these instructions in the future, I'll go thru the steps here:

                            1. Order new frame [Login to see the link]
                            2. Pry off display lens, after carefully using blow dryer or heat gun to loosen adhesive. Insert a plastic card or tool from the side and slowly work your way around until the lens is removed.
                            3. Remove the four screws that hold the back part of the frame, and then carefully separate it. Examine the new frame as a guide to see where the back part is attached.
                            4. Disconnect the ribbon from the PCB, then unscrew and remove the PCB
                            5. Carefully pry off the ear speaker from the frame. There is a microfiber screen that may also need to be pulled out and reattached to the speaker.
                            6. On the new frame, pull off the blue plastic from the adhesive surrounding the speaker hole, and press the speaker into place, oriented as it was before.
                            7. Install the PCB into the new frame
                            8. Thread the ribbon thru the notch in the new frame, and press the frame into place. This is probably the hardest step, as it's a very tight fit.
                            9. With the phone open and face down, look for a gap in the back of the hinge, where there is a small metal hinge mechanism. Use a small screwdriver to slide the mechanism into the corresponding hole in the lower frame hinge. The phone must be in the open position in order for the hole to be aligned properly.
                            10. Attach ribbon, and reinstall back cover and lens.
                              4 days later


                              would this work for replacing the top cover also?
                              is there a safer way to heat up the screen without risking any damage?
                              and what would i do if i snap one of the little tabs when pulling off the cover?

                              • Myi replied to this.

                                MacherCentral Yes top as well.
                                Use a very little heat or no heat to be safe.
                                Buy a new piece if you snap it. May have some to sell. Or check ebay or..


                                  is the heat no necessary? theres something called a heating pad or heating mat im wondering if that would work without issues or also possibly cause damage
                                  what is that piece called and around how much would they cost?
                                  is there a instructional guide with pictures or a video on how to do this?
                                  Thank you!

                                  • Myi replied to this.