Please if possible to do about Google anything for news and apps for bank accounts and if possible make also drop box thanks
App Requests
NhaapsLevel 2 - Senior Member
Can someone make Shidduch Shuk in to an apk for exalt
[Login to see the link]
Llamden613Level 2 - Senior Member
Can you send this apk
Can you make the Fitbit app?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
usherh I'm not sure if I reposted the same app as the post with the broken link, but I think this is what you're looking for: FliphoneBochur
yo can someone add the my oldboy emulator for the lg classic flip?
Ttekay13Level 1 - Junior Member
can someone modify the newist j-m fm music app.
PPrivateLevel 1 - Junior Member
Maybe someone try to modify the Chat GPT app for the classic flip?
Biden2020prezLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
Private is there an app?
- Edited
Biden2020prez I don't think there's an app for that, its web based
NNeverGiveUpLevel 1 - Junior Member
[Login to see the link] do you know of a podcast app working well with flip phones (D-Pad without mouse)?
Or would someone be able to modify an app?
I think [Login to see the link] could be a very good idea to modify, as its fully open sourced.
I have the Kyocera 4810.
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
NeverGiveUp I could try. Give me a day or 2
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
- Edited
NeverGiveUp 2 Things:
A) I couldn't get it to work. Maybe [Login to see the link] could help.
B) It probably also has goyish podcasts, so just be careful
[Login to see the link] [Login to see the link]
Although you are free to work on modifying such an app for your own use, please don't post it to the forums. Thank you for keeping the forums kosher!!
Fliphone Bochur Edit:
I try and I'll keep on trying. Shkoyach for everything you do for the klal!
TechgenLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member
A podcast app is not really recommended due to the wide variety of content available, either one can try to modify an open source app to only allow certain podcasts (even then, what may be ok for some may not be for others, there's a lot of grey area) or maybe take a look at [Login to see the link]
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
I decided not to deal with this project. I don't want to be exposed to goyish stuff. Please ask someone else. Sorry!
princeofthecSLevel 1 - Junior Member
how do u post a download?
FliphoneBochurLevel 5 - Gold Elite Member
You could upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox, Mega, or any could storage of your preference and send the link here, or you could email it to me at [Login to see the link], and I'll send you back a Google Drive link.
princeofthecSLevel 1 - Junior Member
ij08 asked for this a while ago [Login to see the link]
princeofthecSLevel 1 - Junior Member
Does it work?
princeofthecSLevel 1 - Junior Member
mg5077 asked for this a year ago
[Login to see the link]
I just learnt how to modify so let me know if it works!!