• Apps

FliphoneBochur if we use the old Google Maps that [Login to see the link] posted here [Login to see the link], then we shouldn't have any kashrus or location issues.

About bypassing the expiration: It doesn't work to make version 999999. Removing a receiver in the manifest that checks for updates used to work on some phones, but it seems like most phones don't work with that anymore. I digged a bit deaper, and I noticed the app has a shared preference with the app version (called app_version). First I tried an apk shared preference changer trick, which didn't seem the change the preference, I am not sure why. Now, I am looking for the code that sets the preference. Maybe I can figure out how to make it return a different number.

Alternatively, I may try to remove all the invoke.... methods that check for updates, but it's in nearly every activity and I'm not so good at that anyway.

    google maps stoped working for me today any google maps for VN220 that works?

      7 days later

      Biden2020prez tried it on the exalt with the new and old app and it didn’t work. I also noticed that if you install the old app in airplane mode it opens normally and only acts up once you turn on data. Once it has been opened on the update screen it won’t open normally in airplane mode and will just show

      5 days later

      Atusb At this point, it's out of my league. You'll have to ask the other guys.

        24 days later

        does anyone have any alternatives for public transportation maps

        tried downloading got a file with 0 kb something wrong

        • AtusbLevel 3 - Gold Member

          • Edited

          FliphoneBochur I am not sure i dont really have experience with those phones. I dont use adb to install apps. I am using LG classic and I am doing it directly on my phone