• darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

    a-one There is no reason to update before hand. Once you flash my Rom you are undoing the update either way. But I have not tested it to know the compatibilitiy of it working after the latest update.

    darth I actually have two Flip 2s (bought a $20 locked one, then got impatient waiting for it to unlock and just bought an unlocked one off eBay haha), the locked one is not modified and was on latest software up until now, haven't done the new update yet. Is there a way I can help you out while still being a total noob at this stuff? Lol

      papermario Yes. Just update the phone in settings and let him know if you find any differences. for example, tell him if calednar is fixed, if call logs is better, if you see any new updates or options..

        Biden2020prez if calednar is fixed,

        I updated 1 of my phones and calendar works normal without any issues‼️

          darth wait sorry maybe I just don’t understand, but can I update the phone through the normal settings menu? Will that screw with the phone as I have it now? (I have used one of the .img files and side loaded a bunch of apks)

            Ppotecha Oh, so don't update. I think the phone wouldn't even allow you to.

            Biden2020prez No I didn't notice any other differences, and about call logs I don't know if it's fixed because I don't have any recent calls on that phone‼️

              a-one Okay. Thanks! APKS stil wont install? (send one through bluetooth and try to install from notifications)

              Biden2020prez [Login to see the link] Well it turns out I can't compare second-newest and newest versions because either the phone forced updated itself or I had consented to the update and had just forgotten, because I opened my locked Flip to find it on a screen showing it had just updated. 😅 But I can compare it with the rooted phone which is on neutron.img.

              I didn't realize there was something wrong with the calendar haha I thought it just sucked! The updated calendar looks great. Even has a dot for events. Only monthly mode has changed, weekly and daily mode look the same as before. Rooted Flip calendar vs latest update calendar:
              [Login to see the link]
              [Login to see the link]

              I didn't know what I was supposed to be looking for WRT call history/what's wrong with it. But the new version and old version look exactly the same to me. Took pics in case it helps:
              [Login to see the link]

              The options seem to be the same, from going through them and looking for differences in the items available. Haven't investigated more thoroughly to compare each item's details.

              Ppotecha If you try to check for updates, there will be a popup telling you you can't update because the phone is rooted.

              Biden2020prez Nope, Voice Access ability to touch everything on the screen makes a mouse pointer a moot point.
              What I would really like to do is map the "favorite contacts" star button (directly below the green call button) to activate voice access, but button mapper app wont do it, and the settings in Voice Access wont accept it, either. I got the volume button mapped to Voice, but I can't set it to momentary on like the app will do natively.
              I like Voice Access only running while I am actively using it, I don't like it listening after I'm done with it. So for now I'm using the star key (*) on the bottom left and I'll live with it 🙂
              Two more questions if anyone has input:

              1. Can I kill apps running in the background? Specifically my streaming music app leaves a constant notification that it's still running, even after I have closed it and am no longer listening to music. Can I remove Voice Access from the notifications screen for the same reasons?
              2. Is there a slightly better keyboard that has emojis?

                Ppotecha I just installed it on my phone, and it says it wont run without play services. I'm tempted to see if I can get play services to install just to see what happens.... But the whole point of this phone was to get rid of the google tether lol.
                So, newest version of Android Auto will install and open, but it wants play services running also. I'm getting a new head unit for my vehicle that runs android and maps already, so I'm not truly concerned with having android auto. My music streaming app pauses, resumes, and skips songs through my BT earbuds, so it will do the same connected to the head unit.

                  • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                    smoakeater To get Voice access to recognize the Star/Message keys you can change the key name in /system/usr/keylayout/matrix-keypad.kl. To get rid of notification for Voice access, using a mouse or scrcpy click on the top of the screen which will bring down classic android notificaitons, there you can hold down on the Voice access notification to bring up notification settings, turn it off and it will remove the notification. As for a keyboard I really like [Login to see the link]. Takes some time to get used to but I find it to be good and is being maintained with good updates. Make sure to read the how to use guide before using it in order to take advantage of of its features.
                    smoakeater You can get play services with magisk GApps. You can also get MicroG on this phone if you modify the framework and other parts of system (needs to be done manually because we have no way of flashing zips.) I have done all of this and still haven't manage to get Android Auto working so I gave up. If you want to pickup from where I left off email me at [Login to see the link].

                      darth wow, dude your work has made this phone a great experience, thanks for all the time spent! I actually just deep dived a bit ago for a keyboard and already installed your suggested keyboard. I like it much better than stock, but still no emojis lol. (I haven't read ALL documentation yet, emoji might be in there?)
                      Once I figure out how to install the mouse, I'll try that for the voice notifications.
                      I wouldn't know where to begin to get Android Auto working if you can't, lol. I'm at a novice level for android. Normies think I'm a wizard because I can root and install roms, but I am no coder or fixer!
                      Again, thanks for the work, and the specific input to help me!

                        smoakeater You can modify app notification permissions, revoking Voice Access's will banish it from your notification screen, and likely same with your music streaming app. It's a bit convoluted to navigate to the android settings not listed in the Flip's default settings menu, I use Button Mapper to get there. Temporarily change the input of some key (eg volume) to Shortcuts > Settings shortcut > App info. Press the remapped button and scroll down to the app whose notifs you want to change. For Voice Access I have just disabled all of its notifications. I don't need em, I can toggle it on and off with the hotkey.

                        Also, to get to a searchable Android settings that lets you search for any Android setting you want, do the same thing but instead map Shortcuts > Settings shortcut > Location > App level permissions > Touch the magnifying glass with Voice Access or some kind of pointer > viola, settings search box!

                        Edit: somehow missed that Darth already answered that haha, well now you have two methods

                        • darthLevel 6 - Platinum Elite Member

                          smoakeater For emojis in tt9 click on the 1 key, first click gives you punctuation and after that you get lists of emojis.

                          Thanks fellas, I appreciate it. I just about have everything done now but the remapping.

                            I think these 2 issues were also fixed in KEFH;

                            UPTHECREAK 2) When trying to add recipients to an open message by typing in a contact, it usually copies over only the contact name without a number making the message not sendable

                            UPTHECREAK 5) Volume keys work even when the phone is closed risking accidentally turning on the ringer and having the phone ring during shemoneh esrei, Ideally the volume keys should work only to turn on the screen so you can check time/notifications without any effect on the volume